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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Primo Semestre

Training objectives

Knowledge and application of the epidemiological methodology in order to analyze, understand and assess the health problems and health care both in individuals and/or in communities.
Understand the principles, the rules, and the management aimed to provide public health care in Italy.
Identification and analysis of the risk factors influencing human health. Understand and explain the methodologies and interventions for the promotion and protection of health at the individual and community.
Know the principles and definitions relating to the classification of different microorganisms and infectious agents and host-pathogen interaction.
Know the principles and issues relating to the prevention of diseases and apply measures for risk prevention
Enhance the ability to read and interpret scientific papers, to identify the most common biases, and the basic concepts of multivariate analyses.
Know the main sources of data, and the methodology to create a table reporting the results of a scientific study.
At the end of the course, the student will know how to critically read the results of a scientific study of medium complexity, and will know how to create a table of results according to current international scientific standards.
Basic knowledge for reading and understanding of a scientific text. Build a coherent representation of the content, update the representation of the text. Interpreting the results of a scientific text.


Knowledge supplied from the biological and medical disciplines forecasted in the preceding years of degree course
Adequate background is required in mathematics, geometry and information technology.
Knowledge of basic grammatical rules of the English language

Course programme

-Primary, secondary and tertiary prevention.
-General epidemiology of infectious diseases. Microbial ecology, host-parasite relationships, natural history and transmission ways
-Prevention of the infectious diseases. Epidemiological surveillance, isolation and quarantine, disinfection and sterilization, active and passive immune prophylaxis, chemoprophylaxis. Vaccines and immunization. Immunization schedule. Communication issues specifically related to immunizations.
-Epidemiology and prevention of infectious diseases (airborne-transmitted diseases, fecal-orally-transmitted diseases, blood-transmitted diseases, vertical transmitted diseases, zoonosis, vector-borne infectious diseases, opportunistic infections); general aspects
-Detection and prevention of the hospital-acquired infections
-General epidemiology of non-infectious diseases. Multifactorial risk; protective factors. Data sources and analysis of the distribution
-Prevention of non-infectious diseases
-Screening: general aspects
-Environmental hygiene: principles and general aspects. Risk assessment, environmental monitoring.
-Food poisoning and food-borne diseases: definitions, epidemiology and prevention principles. Food preservation methods
-Sources of drinking water supply. Requirements of the drinkable water, and purification systems
1. Deepen the knowledge on 95% confidence intervals, statistical inference, and probability
2. Recall of the main epidemiological biases and their effects of analyses
3. Basic concepts of multivariate analysis
4. Bases of the sample size estimation
5. Main healthcare databases: Hospital discharge abstracts, ICD, routine sources, linkage issues
6. Critical reading of randomized trials, cohorts studies, case-control studies, meta-analyses and guidelines
7. Preparation of a table containing the results of randomized a clinical trials
- Principles for reading and understanding of a scientific text. Consideration of the relationship between words, phrases and the following sentences
- Principles for the interpretation of a scientific text
- The meta-analysis as a tool for continuous professional
- The principles of meta-analysis: the establishment of guidelines

Didactic methods

Lectures and Practice sessions

Learning assessment procedures

The final exam is divided into two distinct parts: a written examination Joint Medical Statistics and English Language, which is prerequisite to admission to the oral hygiene. Written multiple choice test includes 10 questions: 5 of Medical Statistics and 5 of English Language. Every question is worth 3 points. The questions in the English exam have 5 answers, only one of which is correct. The questions in the Statistics exam are open, and the student must write a correct narrative answer. Every incorrect answer in English counts 0. The maximum duration is 45 minutes, and the exam is passed when at least 18 points are obtained. The result of the written examination will be published as "intermediate test without verbalization," and if such successful, can also be used in subsequent appeals.
Oral Hygiene Test provides 2-3 questions regarding the various issues included in the programme ; the duration of each exam will be equal to about 15-20 minutes
The following qualitative criteria will be considered for the evaluation the clarity, the ability and communicative precision, the demonstration of capability of practical application of acquired concepts, the demonstration of logic reprocessing ability of the acquired notions.
The final outcome will depend also on the practice sessions.
The examination evaluation will be recorded as the arithmetical average of the written test of Medical Statistics and English Language and of the oral test of Hygiene.

Reference texts

Manuale Oxford di Sanità Pubblica a cura di C. Guest, W. Ricciardi, I. Kawachi, I. Lang, Edizione italiana a cura di Walter Ricciardi e Leonardo Palombi, Piccin Ed. 2015
Walter Ricciardi, Igiene, Medicina Preventiva, Sanità Pubblica – Idelson Gnocchi Editrice, Napoli
Barbuti, Bellelli, Fara, Giammanco, Igiene, Monduzzi Editore, Bologna
Checcacci, Meloni, Pelissero, Igiene, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, Milano
Marinelli, Liguori, Montemarano, D’Amora, Igiene, Medicina Preventiva e Sanità Pubblica, Piccin Editore, Padova
Comodo N., Maciocco G., Igiene e Sanità Pubblica, Carocci Faber Ed.
Lecture notes
Lecture notes of English language