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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

From the art. 3 of Ministerial Decree (May 9, 2018 n. 58) the practical-evaluation training:
- The practical training is aimed at ascertaining the student's abilities related to knowing “how to do” and “how to be” a doctor. This consists in applying biomedical and clinical knowledge to medical practice, in resolving ethical issues, in demonstrating aptitude to solve clinical problems related to the areas of medicine and surgery and related specialties, laboratory and instrumental diagnostics and public health, and to apply the principles of good and clear communication;
- The practical training is based on 5 CFU for each month (for each CFU must correspond at least 20 hours of professionalizing teaching activity and no more than 5 hours of individual study). The practical training is organized in three months and is divided into the following periods, even non-consecutive:
- one month in the surgical area,
- one month in the medical area,
- one month in the area of general medicine, during the sixth year of the course, at the office of a general practitioner.

The practical training certification of attendance and evaluation is under the direct responsibility of the university professor or medical director, responsible of the structure attended by the trainee, and the general practitioner, who issue a formal certificate of attendance and express, after having evaluated the results relating to the skills demonstrated, in the positive case, a judgment of suitability, on this diary-booklet, which is divided into a descriptive part of the activities performed and an evaluation part of the competences demonstrated.
The practical training certificate is obtained only in the case of achievement of a positive evaluation for each of the three periods.
Students about to graduate must possess and apply in their clinical activity the relevant theoretical, scientific and professional knowledge, taking into account existing differences due to sex and gender. They must do so bearing in mind the human side of therapies, including rehabilitative and palliative care and pain-management, considering all the various phases of a disease.


The practical training will be done not before the sixth year of the course and after all the fundamental exams of first four years.
The month in the specific area of General Medicine is to be held no earlier than the sixth year of the course, in the clinic of a General Practitioner.

Course programme

Principles of the patient-doctor relationship: medical interview, contact, information, clarity, acquisition of consent.
Obtain medical history and perform a physical examination in the outpatient context.
Knowledge and capacity to apply the clinical reasoning: to distinguish between primary urgent complaints and secondary problems; to suggest a diagnostic hypothesis and to individualise the diagnostic methods of greater specificity and sensitivity to confirm or reject the hypothesis.
Interpret the laboratory exams.
Interpret the medical reports of the diagnostic imaging examinations
Decision-making regarding the pharmacological treatment
Compile the report of hospital admission/discharge and to write a discharge letter
Judge the appropriateness of the hospital discharge and to suggest the rehabilitation solutions or recovery in other facilities

Knowledge and awareness of the National Healthcare System and Local Healthcare System
Knowledge and awareness of the ward and/or ambulatory
Awareness and knowledge of the different roles of the medical team members

Didactic methods

- The internship takes place through frequency in the wards, outpatient clinics, day hospital, first aid activities, discussion of clinical cases.
- The practical training in medical or surgical area can also be carried out in different divisions of the medical area or surgical area, as established by the Educational Regulations of the University. In this case, each Tutor of the different divisions will issue a synthetic judgment on the student, from which will derive the judgment of overall evaluation of the candidate, by the Tutor coordinator of medical and / or surgical area.
- The practical training internship is performed also during the months in which teaching activities are not normally carried out, to reach the 100 hours certifiable for the purposes of the Ministerial Decree.

Learning assessment procedures

The internship is considered passed if the student obtains an assessment of suitability from the internship tutor and the area coordinator.

Reference texts

The course does not refer to particular texts.
Constant attention is paid during the teaching activities to provide references for the consultation of the literature available online.
Each lesson of the course presents the essential bibliographical references about the topics covered.
In general terms, the student is constantly invited to integrate the clinical topics covered in the course and the so-called pre-clinical ones which are necessary.