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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

Knowlegde of the main diseases of tissues and anatomo-clinical correlations, with particular regard to the organs of head and neck.


Basic knowledge of histology, anatomy, biochemistry, genetics, physiology and general pathology.

Course programme

Respiratory system: oedema and acute pulmonary damage, pneumonia, TBC; chronic obstructive and restrictive pulmonary diseases; lunf and pleural neoplasms.
Hemolymphopoietic apparatus: lymphoadenitis; limphomas and leukemias (basic knowledge).
Cardiovascular system: aterosclerosis; ischemia and myocardial infarction; endocarditis, myocardiopaties; heart failure; trombosis and hembolism, shock.
Oral cavity: odontogenesisi, malformations; cysts and odontogenic tumours; infections, caries and pulpitis, periodontal disease; ulcers and bullous diseases; neoplasms, oral manifestations of systemic diseases, hematologic dyscrasias and endocrine neoplasms.
Salivary glands: sialadenitis, neoplasms;
Pharynx and larynx: inflammation processes, neoplasms.
Esophagus: esophagitis, carcinoma.
Stomach: gastritis, neoplasms.
Ileum: vascular pathology, hernias.
Colorectal tract: chronic inflammatory diseases; neoplasms and precancerous lesions.
Liver: epatitis, cirrhosis, neoplasms.
Pancreas: pancreatitis, neoplasms.
Central nervous system: inflammatory and vascular pathology; neoplasms (basic knowledge).
*Cancer risk factors (alcohol, smoking, HPV)
*Bone diseases: maxillofacial repercussions
*Neoplasm staging: fundamentals, oral cavity and major salivary glands;
*Histo-cytopathological examination of oral cavity: indications and withdrawal techniques.

Didactic methods

*Moodle platform

Learning assessment procedures

Oral examination usually based on three questions: a question about diseases of organs and apparatus not including the oral cavity/salivary glands, two questions about diseases of the oral cavity/salivary glands. The evaluation is elaborated with particular attention to the student’s ability to develop and critically link the notions learned from the subjects previously studied (normal anatomy, physiology, general pathology).

Reference texts

Slides of the lectures provided by the teacher;
Robbins and Cotran – Pathologic basis of diseases – Ninth ed. – elsevier (available for study and consultation at the teacher’s office, also in Italian edition)