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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Primo Semestre

Training objectives

The course aim is to bring the student to understand the atom and molecules structure, the chemical bonds, the nuclear chemistry processes, the gas properties and the solutions with the detailed analysis of the equilibrium processes and chemical kinetics and basic acid and base concepts. The student should also recognise the different organic compounds starting from the structure formula and the functional group, the reactions mechanism and their biological importance. Moreover the student will have to know the general properties of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids with a particular regard to their chemical structure and biological function.



Course programme

Measure units, the atom and the subatomic particles, electrons and quantic numbers, the orbital concept, the periodic table, electronegativity, atomic volume and weight, mass and atomic numbers. Nomenclature (metals, oxides, nonmetals, anhydrides, acids, bases, salts). The chemical bond: covalent, ionic, hydrogen bond, dative, weak bonds, hydrophobic interactions. Matter structure : Representation of the electronic structure of an atom, importance of the elements periodic table, oxidation number. Isotopes and radioisotopes, radioactivity, radiation type, radioactive decay, measure units, methods to reveal radiations, half-life significance, radiations biological effects and main isotopes used in medicine. Matter states: gas laws and their application in medicine. Solid types, semiconductors, liquid crystals, band theory (shorts). The solutions: types, methods to measure the concentration, isotonic amd physiological solutions, colligative properties, osmosis, dialysis, water properties. Kinetics and equilibrium: equilibrium reactions, acids, bases and salts, buffers, pH and pK importance. Chemical energy and the thermodinamic entities. Basics of electrochemistry. Inorganic chemistry short. To recognise the different organic compounds from the structure formula and the functional group: aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, alkyl halides, alcohols,phenols, thiols, ethers, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids and derivatives, aliphatic and aromatic amines, heterocyclics compounds. Reaction mechanisms knowledge and their biological importance. Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids chemical structures: general properties and teir biological function.

Didactic methods

Lectures with slides display, blackboard exercises on solution concentrations and pH arguments with students involvement, even on organic chemistry main reactions.

Learning assessment procedures

Learning assessment can be done for the general chemistry even in the last part of the course from students willing to do it, possibly in a public way. During the exams period the oral exam with either blackboard or paper exposition, consists in at least three questions, one for each of the three main parts of the programme, general chemistry, organic chemistry and propedeutics of biochemistry. If general chemistry assessment has already been done during the course, questions will be done on the rest of the programme.

Reference texts

General and Inorganic Chemistry: M. Rippa "Chimica Medica" vol 1. Edizioni Bovolenta/Zanichelli or even high school texts.
Organic Chemistry: Hart, Craine, Hart, Hadad, "Chimica Organica". Zanichelli Ed.
Some subject of general chemistry as band theory liquid crystals and semiconductors, is from"Chimica" Silberberg, McGraw-Hill Ed.