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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

To acquire fundamental knowledge about: maxillo-facial district's surgical anatomy; preparation of surgical field; oral surgery's fundamental techniques; tooth's avulsion fundamental and advanced techniques; intraoperative and postoperative complications.


Knowledge of anatomy, and physiology of maxillo-facial district. Knowledge of general and oral pathology. Knowledge of general and oral radiology.

Course programme

Knowledge of maxillo-facial district's surgical anatomy
-Surgical field's and patient's preparation before surgery
-Fundamental surgical techniques: hard and soft tissues treatment
-Indications and contraindications to oral surgery.
-Anaesthesia and suture techniques
-Tooth's avulsion fundamental techniques: instruments, step by step clinical approach for upper and lower tooth's avulsion, patient's monitoring during and after oral surgery
-Intraoperative complications (bone and tooth's fractures, soft tissues and nervous lesions)
-Postoperative complications (bleeding, infections)
-Tooth's avulsion advanced techniques: instruments, step by step clinical approach for root's avulsion, impacted teeth's avulsion (upper and lower third molars and canines) and sovrannumeraries.
PRACTICE WITH SIMULATOR: Anaesthesia and suture techniques.

Didactic methods

Frontal lessons, clinical training placing side by side operators, clinical practical training directly executed by the students under the supervision of the tutor. On-line tutorials on certified moodle platform will consist of some topics that will be fully exhausted through online learning and will be functional in performing lateral lessons.

Learning assessment procedures

No exam

Reference texts

Chiapasco, Manuale illustrato di chirurgia orale, Ed. EDRA-Masson