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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Primo Semestre

Training objectives

The “Stomatology, oral medicine, clinic and therapy” course is due to run for one year (first term and second term).
Its aim is to teach how to correctly understand the signs and clinical symptoms, acquiring anamnestic data and applying the information obtained by diagnostic imaging; the ensemble of information will allow the students to formulate a correct clinical diagnosis and an appropriate treatment plan.
Students must demonstrate that they acquired the skills in formulating a diagnosis and prove it even prescribing further investigation (intraoral RX / RX OPT / CT DS / biopsies ...), as well as to formulate one or more different treatment plans in order to treat the patient's problems.
Students must also be able to intercept patients with clinical situation that deviates from the norm and possibly direct them to the appropriate specialist.


Knowledge of embryology, pathology, radiology, dermatology, oral microbiology.
Knowledge of oral pathology, oral surgery, conservative dentistry and endodontics, periodontics and implantology, prosthetic dentistry, orthodontics, pediatric dentistry.

Course programme

Discussion of clinical cases encountered during the daily clinical practice, differential diagnosis, diagnostic imaging, therapy.

Didactic methods

Lectures and case-based learning on the patient during the clinical activity.

Learning assessment procedures

At the end of this term there’s no exam. Students preparation will be tested through interactive discussion during daily clinical practice.

Reference texts

Strongly recommended
Ficarra G., Manuale di patologia e medicina orale, McGraw-Hill
Jens J. Pindborg, Atlante delle malattie della mucosa orale, Masson Ed.
De Michelis, Modica, Re, Trattato di clinica odontostomatologica, Minerva Medica Ed.
M. Strassburg, G. Knolle, Atlante a colori sulle patologie della mucosa orale, Scienza e Tecnica Dentistica Edizioni Internazionali srl Milano
Wood, Goaz, Differential diagnosis of oral lesions, Mosby
L. Montebugnoli, Patologia e Medicina Orale, Edizioni Martina
Preti, Pera, La protesi parziale rimovibile, Ed. Piccin
Bortolini, Franchi, Rossi, Protesi combinata ad ancoraggio fresato individuale, Ed. Piccin
Giulio Preti, Riabilitazione protesica, Ed. UTET
Lindhe J, Lang K, Karring T. Parodontologia clinica e Implantologia orale. 5° edizione. Ed. Edi Ermes 2009
Accedemia Italiana di Conservativa, “Odontoiatria restaurativa”, Masson 2009
Manuale di endodonzia. SIE. Ed Masson-Edra
Castellucci, Endodontics, Ed. Odont. Il Tridente, Firenze