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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

Acquire the fundamental pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic knowledge that allows the understanding of the pharmacological profile and the mechanism of action of drugs. Acquire the pharmacological knowledge essential to prescribe and administer the drugs of current use in dentistry.


Needed knowledge of anatomy, microbiology, biochemistry, and physiology

Course programme

General Pharmacology
Pharmacodynamics: receptor and non receptor mediated drug mechanisms of action, receptors, drug-receptor interactions and signal transduction, agonists and antagonists, dose effect curve, therapeutic index, the variability of drug effects.
Pharmacokinetics: absorption, routes of administration, distribution, metabolism, elimination, doses and posology.
Drug classes
Pharmacology of the autonomic nervous system, antihistamine drugs, local anesthetics, anxiolytics, NSAIDs, corticosteroids, opioids, antibiotics for dentistry.

Didactic methods


Learning assessment procedures

Oral exam: the examination (average duration 30 minutes) consists of a question about general pharmacology and a question about drug classes. If one answer is not satisfactory, a further question is asked in the same field (general pharmacology or drug classes). The criteria for the assessment are the clarity, rigor and accuracy, and the ability to clinical reasoning.

Reference texts

Katzung, B.G., Farmacologia generale e clinic, Piccin Ed., Padova
Amico-Roxas, M. e collaboratori, Farmacologia in odontoiatria, UTET, Torino