Academic year and teacher
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- Versione italiana
- Academic year
- 2022/2023
- Teacher
- Credits
- 5
- Didactic period
- Secondo Semestre
- MED/43
Training objectives
- To give a general view of the "odontoiatric profession" (degree in odontoiatrics and dental prothetics) taking into consideration the National and European legislative order, with reference to other sanitary professions. The student should acquire awareness of the conditions that justify the odontoiatric procedures and of legal duties derived from odontoiatric practice.
- None
Course programme
- Principles of deontology and code of ethics. Information and consent. Legal Figures. Mandatory complaints. Professional secret. Certification activities and offenses related to certification
Principles of criminal law medicine. Offenses: framing. Perhaps, personal injury, death done by others. Imputability
Medical Malpractice. Biological damage and civil liability. Forensic pathology in odontology. Forensic Toxicology in odontology
Special Laws of Legal Medical Interest: Voluntary Termination of Pregnancy, Law on the Suppression of Sexual Violence Didactic methods
- Frontal lessons
Learning assessment procedures
- Oral exam
Reference texts
- Norelli, Buccelli, Fineschi. Medicina legale e delle assicurazioni, Piccin Ed. 2013
Clemente Puccini, Istituzioni di Medicina Legale, Ed. CEA