Academic year and teacher
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- Versione italiana
- Academic year
- 2017/2018
- Teacher
- Credits
- 2
- Didactic period
- Primo Semestre
- MED/28
Training objectives
- The objectives of this teaching block are:
-corrected use of the bibliographical (on line and paper) sources (with attention to Conservative Dentistry)
-nomenclature, classification, morphology and dental structure normal and/or affected by caries lesion
-eziology and pathophysiology of dental caries
-clinical and instrumental parameters of diagnostic interest towards dental caries
-materials and tools characteristics useful for direct techniques restauration of frontal and molar teeth in the respect of gingival adjacent structures
-epidemiological and individual strategies of caries prevention.
The student after lessons will have to demonstrate knowledge and ability to understanding considering specific topics:
-dental anatomy and morphology, both norm and pathological
-dental anatomical modeling and correct handling of materials helpful for restoration
-classification criteria for hard tissue lesions, both bacterial and not
-cavity classification criteria for composite restorations
-acknowledgment of clinical and instrumental parameters of diagnostic interest towards dental caries, for the formulation of a corrected diagnosis and treatment plan for caries lesion
-caries risk assessment
-caries prevention. Prerequisites
- Students should have adequate knowledge on oral anatomy and histology, oral microbiology and immunology, oral pathology, pharmacology emergency therapy and informatics.
Course programme
- Web research and scientific sources
Fundamental knowledges of oral anatomy.
Human maxillary dentition.
Sistematic dental anatomy (permanent and deciduous teeth). Hard and soft oral and dental tissues.
Histology and teeth's embriology.
Epidemiology of Caries disease.
Dental Biofilms and Microbiology: etiological agents, mechanisms of pathogenicity.
Pathogenetic Aspects of Caries disease: tissue distruction, progression to destructive lesions, host defense processes.
Innate and acquired risk factors, host susceptibility.
Risk assesment and risk profile.
Caries diagnosis: clinical and instrumental examination (X ray, salivary tests), diagnosis and treatment plan.
Caries prophylaxis ( fluorineprophylaxis pit and fissure sealants)
Instruments, tools and handle materials in restorative dentistry.
Rubber dam for isolation
Anesthetic block of oral area. Didactic methods
- Lectures; practical sessions under tutor supervision; preclinical and clinical sessions.
“Problem-Based- Learning” (PBL) system will be applied during the clinical and hands on training. Learning assessment procedures
- At the end of the semester will be carried out a written test based on 35 total questions, 30 multiple choice questions each with 4 responses available and 5 open-ended questions. Time to complete the test is 60 minutes. The evaluation occurs in thirtieths and is calculated on the basis of the number of correct answers (18 responses to multiple choice correct to have the minimum score of 18 out of 30).
Reference texts
- Mangani-Lamanna, Manuale di disegno e modellazione dentale, Ed. Martina 1999
Lloyd E. Dubrul, Anatomia orale di Sicher, Edi. Ermes
Axelsson P., Diagnosis and risk prediction of dental caries, Quintessence Publishing 2000
Anderlini, Moderni orientamenti per la restaurazione dentale, Ed. Martina
Vanini, Il restauro conservativo dei denti anteriori, Promoden Ed.
Dallari, Odontoiatria conservatrice I e II, Ed. Martina BO
Accedemia Italiana di Conservativa, “Odontoiatria restaurativa”, Masson 2009