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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

The objectives of this teaching block are:
-Appropriate handling of enamel-dentin adhesive systems
-Appropriate handling of composite materials and their polymerization
-Principles for direct restoration front and posterior teeth
-Management of the dental trauma
-Diagnosis and appropriate aesthetic treatment plan formulation.
The student after lessons will have to demonstrate knowledge and ability to understanding considering specific topics:
-Enamel-dentin adhesive systems
-Composite materials polymerization
-Principles and their application for direct restoration of front and posterior teeth, with respect of periodontal structure and tissue
-Diagnosis and appropriate aesthetic treatment plan formulation
-Management of the dental trauma
-Long term evaluation and follow up of dental direct restoration.
Moreover he will have to be able to execute a thematic bibliographical search, to sumarize it and to expose such result in plenary


Students should have adequate knowledge on oral anatomy and histology, dental materials, pharmacology, emergency therapy.

Course programme

Enamel-dentin bonding systems
Polymerization in dentistry
Cavity preparation. Black's classes I and II.
Cavity preparation. Black's classes III, IV and V.
Restorative techniques with composites materials.
Correct colour's choice.
Cavity filling technique. Black's classes I and II, with matrix use technique.
Tooth's bleaching.
Cavity filling technique. Black's classes III, IV and V.
Composite materials: polishing and brightening of restorations.
Dental traumatology.
Seminars on specific topics.

Didactic methods

Lectures; practical sessions under tutor supervision; preclinical and clinical sessions.
“Problem-Based- Learning” (PBL) system will be applied during the clinical and hands on training.

Learning assessment procedures

At the end of the semester will be carried out a oral examination.

Reference texts

Mangani-Lamanna, Manuale di disegno e modellazione dentale, Ed. Martina 1999
Lloyd E. Dubrul, Anatomia orale di Sicher, Edi. Ermes
Axelsson P., Diagnosis and risk prediction of dental caries, Quintessence Publishing 2000
Anderlini, Moderni orientamenti per la restaurazione dentale, Ed. Martina
Vanini, Il restauro conservativo dei denti anteriori, Promoden Ed.
Dallari, Odontoiatria conservatrice I e II, Ed. Martina BO
Accedemia Italiana di Conservativa, “Odontoiatria restaurativa”, Masson 2009