Academic year and teacher
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- Versione italiana
- Academic year
- 2018/2019
- Teacher
- Credits
- 5
- Didactic period
- Secondo Semestre
- MED/28
Training objectives
- To acquire the clinical and technical knowledges of planning and realization of fixed prosthesis manufactured.
- Basic knowledges in anatomy, material dental, stomatologic special pathology, conservative dentistry.
Course programme
- Introduction to fixed prosthodontics, indications and limits, biomechanics, principles of tooth preparation.
Partial and complete tooth preparations, the Impression, the temporary.
Laboratory phases of fixed prosthodontics.
Recordings of maxillomandibular relationships. Cementation.
Practical exercises: Partial and complete preparations of natural extracted teeth and phantom teeth, impression, realizing of temporary fixed prosthesis. Didactic methods
- Frontal lessons. Pre-clinical training on phantom. Clinical Training.
Learning assessment procedures
- Oral exam: about 3 questions on the topics of the course; average duration 20-30 min; the candidate must exhibit the understanding of the topics of the course and the capacity of applying in the clinical practice.
Reference texts
- R.Scotti, P.Baldissara, Syllabus di protesi fissa, CLUEB
S.Catapano, S.Carossa, A.D'Elia, Corso propedeutico di disordini craniomandibolari: syllabus.
Preti G., Riabilitazione protesica, Torino, UTET 2003
Shillingburg HT., Fundamentals of fixed prosthodontics, Chicago, Quintessence Pub. Co; 1997
Rosenstiel SF, Land MF, Fujimoto J., Contemporary fixed prosthodontics, St. Louis, Mo. Mosby/Elsevier 2006