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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

Know the context in which fit the Graduates and its comparison with the European situation
Knowing the time evolution of the health professions
Be able to carry out an organizational analysis of the different working environments, in which is located the Graduates



Course programme

-Analyze the conceptual coordinates of the master's degree profile in the regulatory environment, organizational Italian and its comparison with the European situation (in relation to the Bologna process and the Dublin descriptors)
-Analyze the context in which is located the Graduates
-The health organization in history. Health legislation. The health planning.
-The Health care companies. The characteristics of services companies. Collective health care in life and working environments, district care, hospital care. Business structures; the macro-structures of USL (Local Health Unit) (district, department, garrison).
-The Health professions included in organizations.
- Hierarchical representation, representation for functions, representation for processes. The mission, vision, policies, procedures, rules of a health care organization.

Didactic methods

Lectures, interactive discussion, group work

Learning assessment procedures

Written report of the activities carried out during the internship.
Improvement project of a critical work, written on specific format.
Oral presentation with support of Power Point Presentation of the improvement project.

Reference texts

- Slide docente
- Bonazzi G., Storia del pensiero organizzativo, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2011.
- Mintzberg H., Il lavoro manageriale, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2010.
- Morgan G., Images. Le metafore dell'organizzazione, franco angeli 2011
- Levati W., Saraò M. V., Il modello delle competenze. Un contributo originale per la definizione di un nuovo approccio all'individuo e all'organizzazione nella gestione e nello sviluppo delle risorse umane, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2003
- E. Morin – “I sette saperi necessari all’evoluzione del futuro “ ed. R. Cortina 2001
- Spencer L. M., Spencer S. M., Competenza nel lavoro, modelli per una performance superiore, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 1993
- Stacey R.D., Management e caos, Guerini e associati. Milano, 1992
- Vaccani R., Riprogettare la sanità. Modelli di analisi e sviluppo.Carocci, 2012