Academic year and teacher
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- Versione italiana
- Academic year
- 2022/2023
- Teacher
- Credits
- 4
- Didactic period
- Primo Semestre
Training objectives
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Modulo: 015179/1 - PSICOLOGIA CLINICA (mutua dall'attività formativa PSICOLOGIA CLINICA - 015179/1 del CdS LOGOPEDIA (abilitante alla professione sanitaria di Logopedista) - 1058)
Students will be able to show competences concerning basic cognitive processes (attention, consciousness, language, communication, intelligence, motivation, emotion) and know the fundamental theoretical approaches to the study of personality (trait, biological, phenomenology, behavioristic and cognitive approaches)
The student will know the disease-centred model and the patient-centred model and will acquire notions concerning the ICF classification system; know the major learning theories; acquire knowledge about personal and environmental factors that influence the functioning of the person with a particular health condition and about health-related quality of life; learn concepts related to the cognitive, emotional and behavioural reactions of the family coping with illness; acquire notions about burnout syndrome and skills related to assertive communication.
Know the development of motor, cognitive, emotional and social activities, from infancy to adolescence. Being able to describe and reflect on childhood development, in terms of "normality" and pathology. The child and the teenager in the family context.
Modulo: 26825 - PSICOLOGIA GENERALE (mutua dall'attività formativa PSICOLOGIA GENERALE - 26825 del CdS TECNICA DELLA RIABILITAZIONE PSICHIATRICA (abilitante alla professione sanitaria di Tecnico della riabilitazione psichiatrica) - 1061)
MODULE GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY: Students will be able to show competences concerning basic cognitive processes (attention, consciousness, language, communication, intelligence, motivation, emotion) and know the fundamental theoretical approaches to the study of personality (trait, biological, phenomenology, behavioristic and cognitive approaches).
MODULE PSYCHOLOGY OF THE RELATIONSHIP: The student will know the disease-centred model and the patient-centred model and will acquire notions concerning the ICF classification system; know the major learning theories; acquire knowledge about personal and environmental factors that influence the functioning of the person with a particular health condition and about health-related quality of life; learn concepts related to the cognitive, emotional and behavioural reactions of the family coping with illness; acquire notions about burnout syndrome and skills related to assertive communication.
MODULE PSYCHOLOGY OF COMMUNICATION: Knowing the principles of interpersonal communication and the main theoretical models. Recognize communication as a cognitive, emotional and social process. Recognize the different styles of communication and social skills underpinning mutual interaction. Recognize the mechanisms and factors involved in communication problems. Recognize the mechanisms underlying communication problems in the main psychiatric disorders. Furthermore the course aims to improve active listening, and the student's ability to give and receive feedback and deal with conflict. Prerequisites
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Modulo: 015179/1 - PSICOLOGIA CLINICA (mutua dall'attività formativa PSICOLOGIA CLINICA - 015179/1 del CdS LOGOPEDIA (abilitante alla professione sanitaria di Logopedista) - 1058)
Modulo: 26825 - PSICOLOGIA GENERALE (mutua dall'attività formativa PSICOLOGIA GENERALE - 26825 del CdS TECNICA DELLA RIABILITAZIONE PSICHIATRICA (abilitante alla professione sanitaria di Tecnico della riabilitazione psichiatrica) - 1061)
none Course programme
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Modulo: 015179/1 - PSICOLOGIA CLINICA (mutua dall'attività formativa PSICOLOGIA CLINICA - 015179/1 del CdS LOGOPEDIA (abilitante alla professione sanitaria di Logopedista) - 1058)
- Theoretical models in medicine: the disease-centred model and the patient-centred model
- The DSM 5 and the distinctive features of some mental disorders: bipolar disorder, depressive disorders, anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, disorders related to traumatic and stressful events, personality disorders
- The ICF classification system
- Learning theories: respondent conditioning (Pavlov), operant conditioning (Skinner) and modeling (Bandura)
- Personal factors: self-efficacy, attributional style, optimistic orientation, hardiness, coping, illness representation and health-related behaviours and adherence
- Environmental factors: therapeutic alliance and stigma. Health-related quality of life in head and neck cancer, brain injury, strabismus and psychopathology.
- The family: caregiver and cognitive, emotional and behavioral reactions when coping with traumatic brain injury, head and neck cancer, strabismus and psychopathology
- Health worker: work-related stress and burnout syndrome.
Modulo: 26825 - PSICOLOGIA GENERALE (mutua dall'attività formativa PSICOLOGIA GENERALE - 26825 del CdS TECNICA DELLA RIABILITAZIONE PSICHIATRICA (abilitante alla professione sanitaria di Tecnico della riabilitazione psichiatrica) - 1061)
MODULE GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY: Cognitive processes psychology: attention, consciousness, language, communication, intelligence, motivation, emotion
study of personality (trait, biological, phenomenology, behavioristic and cognitive approaches)
MODULE PSYCHOLOGY OF RELATIONSHIP: Theoretical framework: the disease-centred model, the patient-centred model and the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF).
Learning theories: respondent conditioning (Pavlov), operant conditioning (Skinner) and modeling (Bandura).
Personal factors: self-efficacy, attributive style, optimistic orientation, hardiness, coping, illness representation and health-related behaviours and adherence.
Environmental factors: therapeutic alliance and stigma. Health-related quality of life in head and neck cancer, brain injury, strabismus and psychopathology.
The family: caregiver and cognitive, emotional and behavioral reactions when coping with traumatic brain injury, head and neck cancer and psychopathology.
Health worker: burnout syndrome and assertive communication.
MODULE PSYCHOLOGY OF COMMUNICATION: The motivational sources of interpersonal behavior: the principle of cooperation and the principle of competition.
The functions of interpersonal communication and the main theoretical models.
Communication as a process of self definition and influence on others.
Analysis of communication skills, levels and systems of communication.
Pragmatics of human communication.
Non-verbal communication (NVC).
Expression and communication of emotions.
Miscommunication and barriers to communication.
The development of communication skills.
Cognitive deficits in communication and Theory of the Mind.
Assertive and pathological communication.
The model of Transactional Analysis (GAB): paradigm of interpersonal communication Didactic methods
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Modulo: 015179/1 - PSICOLOGIA CLINICA (mutua dall'attività formativa PSICOLOGIA CLINICA - 015179/1 del CdS LOGOPEDIA (abilitante alla professione sanitaria di Logopedista) - 1058)
Traditional lectures
Modulo: 26825 - PSICOLOGIA GENERALE (mutua dall'attività formativa PSICOLOGIA GENERALE - 26825 del CdS TECNICA DELLA RIABILITAZIONE PSICHIATRICA (abilitante alla professione sanitaria di Tecnico della riabilitazione psichiatrica) - 1061)
Traditional lectures, open seminars of discussion of clinical observations Learning assessment procedures
Oral examination based on the discussion of a written paper on a predetermined theme. The propriety of language, the originality of content and the appropriate use of the concepts discussed in the lectures will be assessed.
The exam consists of an oral exam which includes a total of three questions. For each answer, I will evaluate the appropriates of the lessicale choice; coherence, cohesion and planning of the speech; the level of content processing; the ability to link and compare different aspects of the topics covered in the course. For each of these items three scores are provided (corresponding to “poor performance”, “good performance”, “excellent performance”) whose sum constitutes the overall score obtained to the question; in turn, the sum of these scores is the total score, corresponding to the final vote. Particularly satisfactory performance guarantee praise.
The final grade is a arithmetic average of the marks obtained in each tests. Reference texts
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Modulo: 015179/1 - PSICOLOGIA CLINICA (mutua dall'attività formativa PSICOLOGIA CLINICA - 015179/1 del CdS LOGOPEDIA (abilitante alla professione sanitaria di Logopedista) - 1058)
Teacher’s slides
Selected chapters from:
Bandura - Autoefficacia - Erickson
Dominici - Valutazione e prevenzione dello stress lavoro-correlato - Franco Angeli
Loperfido e Muzzatti - Elementi di psicologia per le professioni di aiuto - Carocci editore
Maslach e Leiter - Burnout e organizzazione - Erickson
Moja e Vegni - La visita medica centrata sul paziente - Raffaello Cortina Editore
OMS - ICF - Erickson
Ricci Bitti e Gremigni - Psicologia della salute - Carocci Editore
Sanavio e Cornoldi - Psicologia clinica - Il Mulino
Vezzali, Bova e Cocco - Quasi amici - Utet
Villano - Psicologia sociale - Il Mulino
Virzì - La relazione medico-paziente - Franco Angeli
Modulo: 26825 - PSICOLOGIA GENERALE (mutua dall'attività formativa PSICOLOGIA GENERALE - 26825 del CdS TECNICA DELLA RIABILITAZIONE PSICHIATRICA (abilitante alla professione sanitaria di Tecnico della riabilitazione psichiatrica) - 1061)
MODULE GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY: Myers, Psicologia, Zanichelli Bologna
MODULE PSYCHOLOGY OF RELATIONSHIP: Handout and slides provided by the teacher
Ricci Bitti, Zani, La comunicazione come processo sociale, Il Mulino;
Zani, Selleri, David, La comunicazione, Carocci;
Anolli (a cura di), Psicologia della comunicazione, Il Mulino;
Schultz von Thun, Parlare insieme, TEA;
Anchisi, Gambotto, Non solo comunicare, Edizioni Libreria Cortina Torino;
Anchisi, Gambotto Dessy, Manuale di assertività – Teoria e pratica delle abilità relazionali: alla scoperta di sé e degli altri, Edizioni Franco Angeli Milano
Genain, Lerond, Analisi transazionale e comunicazione, De Vecchi Ed.;
Mizzau, E tu allora? Il Mulino;
Giannelli, Comunicare in modo etico, Raffaello Cortina Editore.
Handout of the Course of Psychology of Interpersonal Communication.