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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Primo Semestre

Training objectives

Modulo: 013844 - TIROCINIO
The training project proposed relatively Area Mother and Child, Gynecologic area has the objective of making acquire the ability to apply the theoretical knowledge and the behavioral principles concerning their welfare activities of the areas considered.
The training also aims to provide a training and information drive training to enable the student to develop a conscious and and adequate guidance and the problems of areas of training proposals to enable it to orient and guide the patient and her family in relation to need emerging.
At the end of the internship, the student should be able to: analyze and synthesize aspects of the planning, delivery and evaluation of support their area, according to the diagnostic - therapeutic pathways, surgical medical, socio - welfare mindful of the issues that particularly interact with women's health issues; of torque, the dyad woman / fetus - mother / child and family. Apply the diagnostic and therapeutic reasoning of competence in obstetrical and gynecological care planning
Identify the need for physical help, the woman's psychological and social conditions in various biological periods related to the various stages of life and respond to them in the context of multi-professional action.
Organize activities, provide technical, correct and effective performance, adapting them to be assisted in relation to different diseases, different operating segments and in different età.Promuovere effective educational interventions in various care settings.
This training also aims to make learn and / or improve some technical aspects of primary care and specialist through active presence in the specialized services such as day surgery service and the Centro Unico Preoperative
The State-Regions Agreement of 16 December 2010 on the document concerning "Guidelines for the promotion and improvement of quality, safety and appropriateness of care interventions in the birth path and for the reduction of caesarean section" provides 10 guidelines with the aim of reorganizing the regional and therefore national Birth Path in order to obtain results that can be in line with international ones, but above all that achieve the objectives set by the WHO on the main indicators. A fundamental point regarding the management of low risk pregnancy by the midwife is "The integration of the territory with the hospital". The State-Regions Agreement underlines and favors the implementation of a continuity of care within the birth path that encourages the humanization of care in the context of pregnancy and childbirth.

The training project proposed relatively Area Mother and Child, Gynecologic area has the objective of making acquire the ability to apply the theoretical knowledge and the behavioral principles concerning their welfare activities of the areas considered.
The training also aims to provide a training and information drive training to enable the student to develop a conscious and and adequate guidance and the problems of areas of training proposals to enable it to orient and guide the patient and her family in relation to need emerging.
At the end of the internship, the student should be able to: analyze and synthesize aspects of the planning, delivery and evaluation of support their area, according to the diagnostic - therapeutic pathways, surgical medical, socio - welfare mindful of the issues that particularly interact with women's health issues; of torque, the dyad woman / fetus - mother / child and family. Apply the diagnostic and therapeutic reasoning of competence in obstetrical and gynecological care planning
Identify the need for physical help, the woman's psychological and social conditions in various biological periods related to the various stages of life and respond to them in the context of multi-professional action.
Organize activities, provide technical, correct and effective performance, adapting them to be assisted in relation to different diseases, different operating segments and in different età.Promuovere effective educational interventions in various care settings.
This training also aims to make learn and / or improve some technical aspects of primary care and specialist through active presence in the specialized services such as day surgery service and the Centro Unico Preoperative
The State-Regions Agreement of 16 December 2010 on the document concerning "Guidelines for the promotion and improvement of quality, safety and appropriateness of care interventions in the birth path and for the reduction of caesarean section" provides 10 guidelines with the aim of reorganizing the regional and therefore national Birth Path in order to obtain results that can be in line with international ones, but above all that achieve the objectives set by the WHO on the main indicators. A fundamental point regarding the management of low risk pregnancy by the midwife is "The integration of the territory with the hospital". The State-Regions Agreement underlines and favors the implementation of a continuity of care within the birth path that encourages the humanization of care in the context of pregnancy and childbirth.


Modulo: 013844 - TIROCINIO
Having passed the exam of the first year internship


Course programme

Modulo: 013844 - TIROCINIO
The student is covered by the guide and training, in active collaboration, it performs the following activities:
- Please ascertaining obstetrical / gynecological estimation of a person's health status
- Identifies problems that can be scheduled independently and in collaboration interprofessionale-
- It evaluates the priorities and the resources available
- Define the objectives
- Plan and implement interventions
- Evaluate the results
She collaborates with the training guide in assisting obstetric / gynecological the person during intra pre and post-operative
She collaborates with the training guide in the surveillance and monitoring of the clinical condition of the person:
- Make physical examination
- Apply the diagnostic and therapeutic procedures
- Making the signs and symptoms data collection
- Collaborate in the implementation of the plan of obstetric care and the evaluation of the expected results
- Collaborating in the implementation of educational-rehabilitative interventions of competence.
The services offered are:
U.O of obstetrics and gynecology
day surgery
Surgeries of the risk / physiological pregnancy
First-aid obstetric gynecological
gynecological surgery
Nursery and Neonatal Intensive Care

The National Birth Committee and the 11 objectives developed by the RER Birth Commission. The obstetric surveillance system Location of the functional areas BRO Protocols and check list Hospital assistance path territory for the youth counseling center, cervical carcinoma screening: Obstetric skills.

Didactic methods

Modulo: 013844 - TIROCINIO
Coaching for the entire training course at the training guide - professional expert in the application of tutorial teaching methods . card arrangement for the sharing of educational objectives, ongoing testing between the student and the internship guide

Frontal lessons

Learning assessment procedures

The Director of the educational activities provides the trainee guide and the student card of the objectives for each internship agreement. The card allows the sharing of objectives at the beginning of the training period . The considered technical skills allow students to apply the theories learned during teaching. Social skills relate to the student's ability to deal effectively with both the user with the assistance team in the proposed context. The shared evaluation board with the student 's goal is to gather an opinion on the merits of the internship guide for the proven skills and will be the subject of certification service year-end assessment.
The exam is oral. They are formulated by the teacher 2 questions that go to investigate sequential and hierarchical manner:
the topic proposed knowledge and theoretical integrations and clinical skills link between the various topics that are related and the ability to understand the context and the resources for the realization of welfare of competence in obstetric team. The test is passed if the student responds correctly to the questions posed by the teacher. The test is considered insufficient if the student does not answer the first question concerning the knowledge considered barrier to the continuation of the trial. Evaluation indicators are the property of language, the ability to create theoretical correlations and theoretical functional practices to midwives skills.
The evaluation of this test contributes to the formulation of the final grade in the second half.

Reference texts

Modulo: 013844 - TIROCINIO
Guana et al., La disciplina ostetrica, McGraw Hill 2011
Material provided by the teachers Med 47 and internship guide in the operational context of apprenticeship.

Accordo, ai sensi dell'articolo 9 del Decreto Legislativo 28 agosto 1997, n 281, tra il Governo, le Regioni e le Province autonome di Trento e Bolzano, le Province, i Comuni e le Comunità montane sul documento concernente “Linee di indirizzo per la promozione e il miglioramento della qualità, della sicurezza e dell'appropriatezza degli interventi assistenziali nel percorso nascita e per la riduzione del taglio cesareo”, Rep Atti n. 137/CU del 16 dicembre 2010.
A “good birth” goes beyond having a healthy baby, Dr Princess Nothemba Simelela, WHO Assistant Director-General for Family, Women, Children and Adolescents - February 2018
Commissione consultiva tecnico-scientifica sul percorso nascita, Ambulatorio gravidanza fisiologica a termine organizzato e gestito da ostetriche, Bologna, ottobre 2013.
Decreto Ministeriale 24 aprile 2000, Adozione del progetto obiettivo materno-infantile relativo al «Piano sanitario nazionale per il triennio 1998-2000»
Decreto del Ministro della Salute 12 aprile 2011, Istituzione del Comitato Percorso Nascita (CPN)
Decreto del Ministero della Salute 11 novembre 2015
Decreto del Ministro della Salute 11 aprile 2018, Ricostituzione e ricomposizione del Comitato Percorso Nascita (CPN)
Deliberazione di Giunta Regionale n. 533 del 21 aprile 2008, Direttiva alle Aziende Sanitarie in merito al programma percorso nascita
Direzione generale della programmazione sanitaria, Direzione generale della prevenzione sanitaria, Comitato Percorso Nascita nazionale, Attuazione delle azioni previste dall'accordo del 16 dicembre 2010, “Linee di indirizzo per la promozione e miglioramento della qualità, della sicurezza e dell'appropriatezza degli interventi assistenziali nel percorso nascita e per la riduzione del taglio cesareo”. Monitoraggio al 31 dicembre 2014, Novembre 2015.
Hatem M, Sandall J et al. Midwife-led versus other models of care for childbearing women. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2008;(4):CD004667.
L. Regionale 11 agosto 1998, n 26, Norme per il parto nelle strutture ospedaliere, nelle case di maternità e a domicilio.
“Linee di indirizzo per la definizione e l'organizzazione dell'assistenza in autonomia da parte delle ostetriche alle gravidanze a basso rischio ostetrico (BRO)”- C.P.N.N. 2017