Academic year and teacher
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- Versione italiana
- Academic year
- 2022/2023
- Teacher
- Credits
- 1
- Didactic period
- Primo Semestre
- MED/47
Training objectives
- The course allows to acquire :
• The knowledge and ability to apply the knowledge on issues related to emotion , sexuality, reproductive health , contraception and the prevention of other sexually transmitted diseases and how to risky behavior , such as alcohol or substance consumption , can have a significant influence on emotional relationships ensure a gendered approach;
• The ability to develop critical thinking on issues which connect the emotions and risk behavior as a fundamental element for a job more comprehensive health promotion and healthy lifestyles ;
• Communication skills useful to create the conditions to make conscious and responsible choices by adolescents in gender differences
within their emotional and sexual life. Prerequisites
- Basic scientific knowledge of female and male anatomy and physiology
Course programme
- A brief history of contraception
Parameters for assessing means contraception and requirements of an ideal contraceptive for adolescents
Counseling to the woman and the couple for the informed choice on contraceptive methods supporting the specific needs of the female users and in this way guaranteeing a specific gender approach
Surveillance during the use of hormonal, mechanical and barrier contraceptives.
The methods of barrier and mechanics (male and female prophylactic, diaphragm, cervical cap, sponge, copper spiral and progesterone), chemical methods (spermicide), hormonal methods.
Natural methods.
Studies on male contraception.
The coitus interrupted.
Overview of female and male surgical sterilization.
User's Guide regarding: the relative efficacy of the contraceptive method, proper use, mode of action, common side effects, risks and benefits to health, signs and symptoms that suggest you contact the service again who prescribed the contraceptive method Information on the return to fertility after discontinuation of contraceptive method, information for the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. Eligibility criteria
Emergency contraception - new evidence.
Contraception in the post-partum.
Contraception and sexuality, sexual education.
Education for "differences": sexual orientation and / or gender identity: LGBT.
The sexological counseling.
The prevention of abortion
Communication: how to increase the value of the service. Didactic methods
- Front lesson in service frequency and Cons. Young Ferrara
Learning assessment procedures
- Theoretical knowledge is verified through a questionnaire with multiple responses ( of which only an exact ) made of 30 questions that go to investigate the knowledge and ability to apply knowledge through questions " case study . "
Practical skills are tested through the application of the inspection record / frequency published in the " teacher's page ." The student , at the frequency agreed at the Youth Counseling AUSL Ferrara , will have the opportunity to actively participate in decision task , collecting data and planning of social and health interventions offered by the Service. The teacher checks the appropriateness of learning .
The final grade is the sum of multiple answers quiz expressed in 30/30 and the opinion expressed by the head of the popular service Reference texts
- Bibliography:
P. Lauster- S. Bruno: amore e sessualità
Kaplan:nuove terapie sessuali.
Masters /Johnson:L’atto sessuale nell’uomo e nella donna.
Abraham e Porto :Psicoanalisi e terapie sessuologiche.
R. Green: il medico pratico di fronte ai problemi della sessualità.
W. Pasini :intimità.
SMIC (contraccezione, sessualita’, salute riproduttiva 2011)
Congress Report SIGO,AOGOI ( Nov. 2011):nuove vie di somministrazione nella contraccezione ormonale.
Gyneco AOGOI (Agosto 2011)
Criteri medici di eligibilità all’impiego dei contraccettivi (WHO 2009)
Interazioni farmacologiche con i contraccettivi ormonali ( V. Bruni , V. Seravalli, S. Bucciantini) 2009.
S.I.C. GIUGNO 2014:contraccezione ,conferme ,novità e soluzioni emergenti.
FOCUS GENN. 2016: contraccezione ormonale orale e contraccezione d'emergenza .
GIORNALE ITALIANO DI OST. E GINECOLOGIA aprile 2014: documento congiunto AMD-Sic su raccomandazioni per la contraccezione nelle donne con diabete.
Rivista di sessuologia vol. 39 n.2-3 maggio-dic. 2015