
ultima modifica 15/06/2013 22:40

Journal Articles

M. Bertero, V. Ruggiero, L. Zanni, Imaging 2013, Special Issue, Comput. Optim. Appl., 54, 211-213, DOI 10.1007/s10589-013-9536-9, 2013.

R. Zanella, G. Zanghirati, R. Cavicchioli, L. Zanni, P. Boccacci, M. Bertero, G. Vicidomini, 2013, Towards real-time image deconvolution:
application to confocal and STED microscopy, submitted to Scientific Reports.

Prato M., A deconvolution algorithm for imaging problems from Fourier data, Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana, 2013.

I. Frosio, N.A. Borghese. Optimized limited angle tomography, in press on IEEE Trans. on Medical Imaging, Feb 2013.

I. Frosio, M. Lucchese, C. Olivieri, N. A. Borghese, P. Boccacci. Bayesian denoising in digital radiography: a comparison in the dental field, Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 37(1), 28-39, 2013.

A. Benfenati, V. Ruggiero, Inexact Bregman iteration with an application to Poisson data reconstruction,  Inverse Problems, 29, 6 (2013), 065016.

M. Prato, A. La Camera, S. Bonettini, M. Bertero, A convergent blind deconvolution method for post-adaptive-optics astronomical imaging, Inverse Problems, 29, 6 (2013), 065017.

M. Prato, L. Zanni, A practical use of regularization for supervised learning with kernel methods, Pattern Recognition Letters, 34 (2013), 610-618.

S. Bonettini, G. Landi, E. Loli Piccolomini, L. Zanni, Scaling techniques for gradient projection-type methods in astronomical image deblurring, International Journal of Computer Mathematics 90(1) (2013), 9-29.

F. Bellocchio, S. Ferrari, V. Piuri, N.A. Borghese, Hierarchical Approach for Multiscale Support Vector Regression. IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 23:9, 1448-1460, 2012.

M. Prato, R. Cavicchioli, L. Zanni, P. Boccacci, M. Bertero, Efficient deconvolution methods for astronomical imaging: algorithms and IDL-GPU codes, Astronomy & Astrophysics 539 (2012), A133.

S. Bonettini, V. Ruggiero, On the convergence of primal-dual hybrid gradient algorithms for total variation image restoration, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 44(3) (2012) 236-253.

R. Cavicchioli, A. Prearo, R. Zanella, G. Zanghirati, L. Zanni, Optimization methods for digital image restoration on MPP multicore architectures, in Advances in Nonlinear Optimization and Equilibrium Problems: a Tribute to Marco D'Apuzzo (V. De Simone, D. Di Serafino, G. Toraldo eds.), Quaderni di Matematica, Dip. di Matematica della Seconda Università di Napoli, Aracne, vol. 27 (2012), 93-116.

S. Bonettini, V. Ruggiero, Analysis of Interior Point methods for edge-preserving removal of Poisson noise, "Recent advances in Nonlinear Optimization and Equilibrium Problems: a Tribute to Marco D'Apuzzo", (V. De Simone, D. di Serafino and G. Toraldo eds.), Quaderni di Matematica, Dipartimento di Matematica, Seconda Universita' degli Studi di Napoli, vol. 27, Aracne (2012) 67-91.

A. Staglianò, P. Boccacci, M. Bertero. Analysis of an approximate model for Poisson data reconstruction and a related discrepancy principle, Inverse Problems, 27, 125003, 2011

A. Chincarini, P. Bosco, P. Calvini, G. Gemme, M. Esposito, C. Olivieri, L. Rei, S. Squarcia, G. Rodriguez, R. Bellotti, P. Cerello, I. De Mitri, A. Retico, F. Nobili. Local MRI analysis approach in the diagnosis of early and prodromal Alzheimer's disease, NeuroImage, 58(2), 469-480, 2011

M. Bertero, P. Boccacci, A. La Camera, C. Olivieri, M. Carbillet, Imaging with LINC-NIRVANA, the Fizeau interferometer of the Large Binocular Telescope: state of the art and open problems, Inverse Problems, 27, 113001, 2011

M. Prato, S. Favilla, L. Zanni, Carlo A. Porro, P. Baraldi, A regularization algorithm for decoding perceptual temporal profiles from fMRI data, NeuroImage 56 (2011), 258-267.

Kontar E.P., Brown J.C., Prato M. et al. 2011, Deducing electron properties from hard X-ray observations, Space Science Reviews 159, 301-355.

S. Bonettini, V. Ruggiero, An alternating extragradient method for total variation based image restoration from Poisson data, Inverse Problems, 27, 095001 (2011).

Bonettini S. and Prato M. 2010, Nonnegative image reconstruction from sparse Fourier data: a new deconvolution algorithm, Inverse Problems 26, 095001.

M. Bertero, P. Boccacci, G. Desiderà, A. La Camera, M. Carbillet, H. Lantéri. Imaging with LINC-NIRVANA, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 27, issue 1, 110-115, 2010

F. Benvenuto, R. Zanella, L. Zanni, M. Bertero, 2010, Nonnegative least-squares image deblurring: improved gradient projection approaches, Inverse Problems, 26, 025004 (18pp), 2010

M. Bertero, P. Boccacci, G. Talenti, R. Zanella, L. Zanni. A discrepancy principle for Poisson data, Inverse Problems, 26, 10500 (20pp), 2010

F. Bellocchio, S. Ferrari, V. Piuri, N.A. Borghese, A hierarchical RBF online learning algorithm for real-time 3-D scanner. IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks, 21(2), (2010) 275-285.

I. Frosio, N. A. Borghese, Statistical Based Impulsive Noise Removal in Digital Radiography," IEEE Trans. on Medical Imaging, 28,1 (2009) 3-16.

G. Landi, E. Loli Piccolomini, (2009). An algorithm for image denoising with automatic noise estimate. J. of Math. Imaging and Vision, vol. 34, p. 98-106, ISSN: 0924-9907

G. Landi, E. Loli Piccolomini, (2010). An iterative Lagrange method for the regularization of discrete ill-posed inverse problems. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, vol. 60, p. 1723-1738, ISSN: 0898-1221

E. Loli Piccolomini, G. Landi,  (2011). Quasi-Newton projection methods and the discrepancy principle in image restoration. Applied  Mathematics and Computation, vol. 218, p. 2091-2107, ISSN: 0096-3003

G. Landi, E. Loli Piccolomini, (2011). An efficient method for nonnegatively constrained Total Variation-based denoising of medical images corrupted by Poisson noise. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, vol. 36, p. 38-46, ISSN: 0895-6111

G. Landi, E. Loli Piccolomini, (2012). An improved Newton projection method for nonnegative deblurring of Poisson-corrupted images with Tikhonov regularization. Numerical Algorithms, vol. 60(1), p. 169-188, ISSN: 1017-1398

E. Loli Piccolomini, F. Zama (2011), An iterative algorithm for large size least-squares constrained regularization problems, Applied  Mathematics and Computation, 217, pp. 10343 - 10354

F. Zama (2009), Computation of Regularization Parameters using the Fourier Coefficients, J of Pure and applied Mathematics; Advances and Applications, 2, pp. 145 - 167

G. Landi, E. Loli Piccolomini, (2012) A feasible direction method for image restoration, Optimization Letters: Volume 6, Issue 8 pp. 1795-1817



Chapters of Edited Books

J.-L. Starck, F. Murtagh, and M. Bertero, 2011, Starlet transform in Astronomical data processing, in Handbook of Mathematical Methods in Imaging, ed. O. Scherzer, 1489-1531 (Springer, Berlin)

M. Bertero, P. Boccacci, M. Prato, L. Zanni., 2013,  Scaled-Graddient Projection methods for astronomical imaging. ''New Concepts in Imaging: Optical and Statistical Methods'', D. Mary, C. Theys, C. Aime (eds), EAS Publication Series, 59,325-356.

F. Bellocchio, S. Ferrari, N.A. Borghese and V. Piuri (2012). 3D Surface Reconstruction: Multi-Scale Hierarchical Approaches. Springer Verlag. ISBN, 978-1-4614-5631-5.


Conference Proceedings

S. Bonettini, V. Ruggiero, On the uniqueness of the solution of image reconstruction problems with Poisson data, AIP Conference Proc., 1281, 1803-1806, (2010).

S. Bonettini, M. Prato, A novel gradient projection approach for Fourier-based image restoration, AIP Conference Proceedings 1281, 527-530, (2010).

P. Ciliegi, A. La Camera, C. Arcidiacono, M. Bertero, P. Boccacci, E. Diolaiti, I. Foppiani, M. Lombini and L. Schreiber. Analysis of LBT LINC-NIRVANA simulated images of galaxies. Proc. SPIE, Vol. 7734, Optical and Infrared Interferometry II, W. C. Danchi, F. Delplancke, J. K. Rajagopal (eds), 7734-88, 2010

A. La Camera, S. Antoniucci, M. Bertero, P. Boccacci, D. Lorenzetti, B. Nisini. Image reconstruction for observations with a high dynamic range: LINC-NIRVANA simulations of a stellar jet, Proc. SPIE, Vol. 8445, Optical and Infrared Interferometry III, F. Delplancke, J. K. Rajagopal, F. Malbet (eds), 8445 3D, 2012

A. La Camera, M. Carbillet, C. Olivieri, P. Boccacci, M. Bertero, AIRY: a complete tool for the simulation and the reconstruction of astronomical images. Proc. SPIE, Vol. 8445, Optical and Infrared Interferometry III, F. Delplancke, J. K. Rajagopal, F. Malbet (eds), 8445 3E, 2012

R. Hofferbert, H. Baumeister, T. Bertram et al. (including M. Bertero, P. Boccacci, A. La Camera). LINC-NIRVANA for the LBT: Setting up the world's largest NIR binocular for astronomy, Proc. SPIE, Vol. 8511, Infrared Remote Sensing and Instrumentation XX, M. Strojnik, G. Paez8511 (eds) 8511 0A, 2012

I Frosio, D Bianconi, NA Borghese, (2013) Comparison of data acquisition strategies for tomographic reconstruction with an ortho-panoramic system, Proc. CARS2013, Heidelberg, June 2013.

I. Frosio, F. Lissandrello, G. Venturino, G. Rotondo, N. A. Borghese (2011), Optimized Acquisition Geometry for X-Ray Inspection, in Proc. IMTC 2011, Hangzou (China), May 2011.

I. Frosio, N. A. Borghese (2011), Semi-automatic geometric calibration of an ortopantomograph, in proc. CARS 2011, Berlin (Germany), June 2011 (Published in Int. J. Comp. Assist. Radiol. Surgery, Vol. 6, Suppl. 1, June 2011).

M. Lucchese, I. Frosio, N.A. Borghese (2011), Optimal Choice of Regularization parameters in Image Denoising. Proc. 16th Int. Conference on Image Analysis and Processing, ICIAP 2011, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Part I, Springer Verlag, pp. 534-543.

S. Ferrari, F. Bellocchio, V. Piuri, and N.A. Borghese (2010), Hierarchical Support Vector Machine for Regression, (2010) Proc. IJCNN 2010, pp. 1-7. Second best paper award (over 613 accepted papers).

M. Lucchese and N.A. Borghese (2009), Denoising of Digital Radiographic Images with Automatic Regularization Based on Total Variation, Image Analysis and Processing - ICIAP 2009, P.Foggia, C.Sansone, M.Vento (eds.), pp. 711-720, Lecture Notes on Computer Science. Elsevier, 2009.

I. Frosio, F. Pedersini, A. Pasini, D. Bianconi, N. A. Borghese (2009), Algebraic reconstruction methods for GPU cone beam tomography, in Proc. CARS 2009, Berlin (Germany), June 2009 (Published in Int. J. Comp. Assist. Radiol. Surgery, Vol. 2,Suppl. 1, June 2009, pp. 489-490).

I. Frosio, M. Lucchese, N. A. Borghese (2009), Total variation approach for denoising digital radiographs, in Proc. CARS 2009, Berlin (Germany), June 2009 (Published in Int. J. Comp. Assist. Radiol. Surgery, Vol. 2, Suppl. 1, June 2009, pp. 489-490).

Technical Reports

R. De Asmundis, D. Di Serafino, F. Riccio, G. Toraldo, 2012, On spectral properties of steepest descent methods, submitted. (file.pdf)

R. Cavicchioli, A. Prearo, R. Zanella, G. Zanghirati, L. Zanni, 2011, Iterative optimization methods for efficient image restoration on  multicore architectures, Tech. Rep.,

S. Bonettini, V. Ruggiero, 2010, Analysis of Interior Point methods for edge–preserving removal of Poisson noise, Tech. Rep.,

S. Bonettini, V. Ruggiero, 2012, An Alternating Extragradient Method with Non Euclidean Projections for Saddle Point Problems, Tech. Rep., submitted, 2012.

A. Benfenati, V. Ruggiero, 2013, Inexact Bregman iteration with an application to Poisson data reconstruction, Tech. Rep. submitted,

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