Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Primo Semestre

Training objectives

To give theoretical basis and guidelines of work organization of a museum professional, and especially of a curator of science- and/or natural history museum.



Course programme

Museums and their functions. Differences between museum of art and science museum. Phenomenology of science museum: a) different criteria of planning and designing exhibits; b) the languages of science museums; c) the evolution of communication in relation to the kind of public. History of collections and of museums. Identity and cultural project of a museum. Codes and laws concerning museums. Museum deonthology. The professions of museum. The work of curators in natural history museums. Objects as tools for communication. Planning and designing of permanent galleries and exhibits. Planning and designing of temporary exhibitions. Museum didactics and education within museum. Tendencies in contemporary scientific museography. Interactive and laboratory museums. Museums ‘of objects’ and open air museums. The ‘transparent’ model of a science museum. Beyond the traditional format: the supply of permanent services and the web model of connections. The need of visibility and of social accountance.

Didactic methods

Lessons, theoretical-practical exercises, other activities (visits of museums and/or exhibitions).

Learning assessment procedures

oral examination.

Reference texts

Pinna G. - 1997 - Fondamenti per un Museo di Storia Naturale. Jaca Book, Milano.
Basso Peressut L. (a cura di) - 1997 - Stanze della meraviglia. I musei della natura tra storia e progetto. CLUEB, Bologna.
Tomea Gavazzoli, M.L. - 2011 - Manuale di museologia. Rizzoli ETAS, Milano.
Davis, P. - 2001 - Musei e ambiente naturale. Il ruolo dei musei di storia naturale nella conservazione della biodiversità. CLUEB, Bologna.
Nardi E. (a cura di) - 2001 - Leggere il museo. Proposte didattiche. SEAM, Formello (Roma).
Monographs of “Museologia Scientifica”, ANMS, Torino.
Internet website of ICOM Italia.
Lecture notes, powerpoint presentations.