Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

From Brandi's Theory of Restoration to the virtual restoration, this course aims to deepen the knowledge of the characteristics of movable works, panel paintings, canvas, drawings and prints, and to develop awareness and critical thinking in students.


no prerequisite

Course programme

The course is based on the study of issues related to the Conservation of Cultural Heritage by understanding the principles of the Restoration, with particular attention to the concepts of Prevention, Maintenance and minimal intervention.
Through the example of some well known cases of restoration, the course will analyze the main methods used in the past and current progress in this area, the issues related to specific operations and, in some circumstances, the wrong use of some materials.
Specific types of works will be analyzed in order to be acquainted with structures and materials constituting each object, learning to plan and organize an analytical study of their condition.

Didactic methods

Theoretical lessons, viewing of slides and movies for the analysis of specific case studies. Organization of one day with visits to museums and restoration laboratories and one day of lab class dedicated to the knowledge of materials.

Learning assessment procedures

oral exam

Reference texts

C.Brandi, Theory of Restoration, 1963
U.Baldini, Theory of restoration and unity of methodology, vol II. 1,981

N. 2 Lectures paper version, at the faculty reception, Corso Ercole I d'Este;
N. 10 lectures, electronic format on the faculty site