Academic year and teacher
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- Versione italiana
- Academic year
- 2022/2023
- Teacher
- Credits
- 6
- Didactic period
- Primo Semestre
- BIO/09
Training objectives
- The aim of the nutrition science course is to provide students with the basics to understand the importance of nutrition in relation to the body's physiology and relative to some pathologies, as well as the environmental impact of eating habits.
The main acquisitions will be:
- Nutrients and their food origin.
- The flow of energy into the human body.
- The main physiological mechanisms of food digestion
- What is the correct diet behavior, the main pathologies and the link between proper nutrition and health
- The links between nutrition and genetics and nutrition and immune defenses
- the impact of the type of diet on the ecosystem Prerequisites
- Knowledge of basic biochemistry
Knowledge of basic physiology Course programme
- The course includes 48 hours of frontal teaching.
The topics developed will be:
- Nutrition and water:
Macronutrients and micronutrients; Calcium and bone health; Water as nutrient and as food
- Food:
Cereals; legumes; Vegetables and fruits; meat and fish; Oils and fats; desserts; alcohol; food and health
- Energy in the body:
Energy balance; metabolism; The biological molecules of energy; energy expenditure; Physical activity
- Balanced feeding:
Nutritional status; Energy needs and nutrients; the Mediterranean diet
- Digestive system physiology:
Histology and anatomy; Motility and nervous and hormonal control; The first digestive tract; Digestion in the stomach and small intestine. The absorption of nutrients. The main exocrine glands associated with the digestive tract.
- Metabolic pathologies:
Obesity; Diabetes; Celiac disease and favism
- Nutritional Behavior and Associated Pathologies:
Nervous and hormonal control of food behavior; disturbance of eating behavior
- Nutrition and genome:
nutrigenomics; Genetic nutrition interaction; nutritional epigenetics
- Immune system and nutrition:
Basic notions on the immune system; The main nutrients involved in the immune response; Food allergy; Breastfeeding and immune protection; Interactions between intestinal microbial and immune system;
- Diet and environment:
The pyramid of the environmental impact of food; Sustainable Diets; Food waste; the GMOs Didactic methods
- frontal lessons
Learning assessment procedures
- The purpose of the exam is to verify the level of achievement of the previously indicated training objectives. If the health situation allows it, the exam will be in the presence and will consist of a test of 15 closed questions with 4 answers, one of which is correct. Each correct answer is worth 2 points, each answer not given or wrong 0 points. There will be a 3-point question in order to get to the "lode".
If it is necessary to carry out the remote examination, the test will be the same, but with the telematic tools indicated by the university.
The teacher reserves the right to carry out oral exams if she deems it necessary.
The exam aims to evaluate the study of the subject and the understanding of the basic topics. The score to pass the exam is 18. It is not allowed to consult texts or use PCs, smartphones, calculators, etc.
The overall time for the test is 20 minutes. Reference texts
- Rita Canella,Scienza della nutrizione – Fisiologia, principali patologie, nutraceutica, nutrigenomica, Edi.Ermes, 2020. available also the e-book.
The didactic material concerning the topics not present in the book can be found in thispage clicking on "Materiale didattico" in the left menu.
For further information: Aldo Mariani Costantini, Carlo Cannella, Gianni Tomassi, "Alimentazione e nutrizione umana", Il Pensiero Scientifico Editore.