Academic year and teacher
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- Versione italiana
- Academic year
- 2022/2023
- Teacher
- Credits
- 8
- Didactic period
- Secondo Semestre
- CHIM/06
Training objectives
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Laboratory of Organic Chemistry I:
The purpose of this course is to make students aware of the importance of safety in experimental practice as well as to convey knowledge and ability about the fundamental laboratory operations, which include isolation, purification and characterization of organic compounds.
The main knowledge acquired will involve:
- relation between structure and physical properties of the main classes of organic compounds;
- crystallization, extraction, chromatography and melting point technique;
- laboratory techniques for the synthesis and purification of organic molecules.
Main abilities will be:
- evaluation of the optimal reaction medium for the elaboration of a given organic molecule;
- choice of the proper purification technique;
- writing of a lab book.
Modulo: 27108 - CHIMICA ORGANICA I
Organic Chemistry I:
The aim of this course is to describe the fundamental principles of the organic chemistry and to facilitate its study with the introduction of the electronic theories of organic chemistry as early as possible and to apply continuously their principles giving to organic chemistry a certain coherence. In fact without these presuppositions to many beginners organic chemistry may seem to consist of a large variety of methods and reactions which appear isolated and, consequently, only to be learned by heart.
The main acquired knowledge will be:
-the fundamental concepts and basics of reactivity
- an overview of the essentials of functional group chemistry
-stereochemistry: the three-dimensional structure of organic compounds
- the fundamental concepts to describe the mechanism of a given reaction.
The basic acquired abilities (that are the capacity of applying the acquired knowledge) will be:
-identification of the reactivity of a functional group
- use of fundamental concepts to propose the synthesis of an organic molecule. Prerequisites
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Having passed the exam of General and Inorganic Chemistry and the related Laboratory.
Modulo: 27108 - CHIMICA ORGANICA I
Having passed the exam of General and Inorganic Chemistry and the related Laboratory. Course programme
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Laboratory of Organic Chemistry I:
Lectures (8 hours, 1 CFU) deal with the following topics: safety in the organic chemistry laboratory; standard equipment in the preparative laboratory; relationship between structure and physical properties of organic molecules; classification of organic molecules on the basis of their solubility; determination of the fusion and boiling point; isolation and purification techniques of organic compounds (crystallization, continuous and discontinuous extraction; liquid-liquid extraction; solid-liquid extraction; thin layer chromatography, column chromatography); acid-base equilibria.
The laboratory activity (12 hours, 1 CFU) deals with the following experiments: solubility tests of different classes of organic molecules in water and organic solvents; purification by crystallization and determination of the fusion point of acetanilide; separation by liquid-liquid extraction of a mixture of 4-methyl benzoic acid, 2-naphtol and 9-fluorenone supported by thin layer chromatography analysis.
Modulo: 27108 - CHIMICA ORGANICA I
Organic Chemistry I :
Atomic orbitals of carbon; Hybridisation; Bonding in carbon compounds; Factors influencing electron-availability; Reactions types; The strengths of acid and bases; Isomery and stereoisomery; Carbocations; Carbanions; Radicals; Nucleophilic substitution; Electrophilic substitution; Nucleophilic and electrophilic addition; Elimination; Alkanes ; Alkenes; Alkynes; Alkyl halides, Alcohols; Ethers; Aldehydes and Ketones; Carboxylic acids and derivatives; Benzene and aromaticity. Electrophilic Aromatic substitutions. Introduction to free radical reactions. Didactic methods
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Lessons of Laboratory of Organic Chemistry I are presented to students through PC connected to projector. The slides are made available to the students directly from the teacher. During the laboratory experiments, the students are requested to provide for the personal laboratory coat. Other personal protective equipment and all the materials necessary for the execution of the experiences are provided by the teacher. Each student is also provided of copy of the experimental procedure (already explained in class) of the experience to be performed in the laboratory. Absence to a maximum of one afternoon at laboratory experiences is admitted upon presentation of a justified reason.
Modulo: 27108 - CHIMICA ORGANICA I
Lessons of Organic Chemistry I cover 6 CFU equivalent to 48 hours, and use multi-modal systems: conventional (blackboard), slides and molecular building systems. Learning assessment procedures
- The final examination is composed of two parts, pertaining to the program of Organic Chemistry I and Laboratory of Organic Chemistry I, respectively. The two parts take place in different days, and both contribute to the final score. The first part is a written test of 10 questions on the most important topics of the course. This part is passed with 6 corrected answers. The written test will be discussed with the teacher and followed by one or two theory questions.
Students learning will be assessed for the Laboratory of Organic Chemistry I part through a written test consisting of 10 questions that require a wide discussion of the related topic. Each answer scores 3 points for a maximum of 30/30. Essential for the final evaluation is the presentation of a written report about the performed experiments.
The overall grade is based on the above judgments with different weighting: the Organic Chemistry I exam affects the final grade for the 65% while the Laboratory of Organic Chemistry I exam for the 35%. Reference texts
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B. Botta Chimica Organica ed. edi-ermes
Pavia D. L., Lampman G. M., Kris G.S.- Il laboratorio di chimica organica- ed. Sorbona
Modulo: 27108 - CHIMICA ORGANICA I
B. Botta Chimica Organica ed. edi-ermes