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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Primo Semestre

Training objectives

The course offers a training course to deepen basic knowledge on the issues of prevention and protection in the workplace, in compliance with current legislation and in compliance with the Agreement State-Regions and Autonomous Provinces (July 2016).
The completion of Module A and Module B, common to all production macrosectors, enables the role of Officer of the Prevention and Protection Service (ASPP), after appropriate verification of the knowledge and skills acquired.
Both Modules are preparatory to access to specialization modules and to the role of Head of the Prevention and Protection Service (RSPP). Please note that the topics provided for Module B are concluded during the course of Safety Techniques 2, in the second semester.


The course has no specific prerequisites.

Course programme

Module A (28 hours)
• Approach to prevention in Legislative Decree no.81/08, the Single Text on health and safety in the workplace.
• The legislative system: examination of the reference regulations
• The institutional system of prevention. The system of supervision and assistance.
• The subjects of the system of business prevention according to the d.lgs n.81/2008.
• The risk assessment process: concepts of danger, risk, harm, prevention and protection; main methods and criteria for risk assessment; elements of a risk assessment document; outline of a risk assessment document.
• The application and organizational repercussions of risk assessment.
• The management of emergencies.
• The health surveillance.
• Relational institutions: information, training, training, consultation and participation.

Module B (1 part, 20 hours).
Study of risk assessment, risk assessment techniques and methodologies.
• Environment and workplaces. Fire risk and emergency management. explosion risk: ATEX codes.
• Accident hazards: machinery and equipment; electrical and mechanical hazards; goods handling: lifting equipment and goods transport equipment; falls from a height.
• ergonomic and work organization risks; manual handling of loads; video terminal work. • Psycho-social risks: work-related stress; mobbing and burn-out syndrome.
• Physical agents: microclimate, vibration, noise; ionizing radiation and radioactive waste disposal.

Didactic methods

The course is delivered by frontal lectures, using Powerpoint slides. In itinere verifications will have the objective to punctuate and to verify the learning of the arguments. Exercises may be planned, conducted in groups of deepening, with the aim of synthesizing proposals and solutions to real problems through the drafting of technical reports. * The State-Regions and Autonomous Provinces Agreement (2016) provides for the attendance of at least 90% of the lessons in each module.

Learning assessment procedures

According to the indications of the State-Regions and Autonomous Provinces Agreement (2016), at the end of Module A, a written learning test in the form of multiple-choice tests will be given (31 questions in 30 minutes). The test is considered passed with a vote greater than or equal to 18/30. After passing the test, the students will obtain the certificate of eligibility with the mark achieved.
Similarly, at the end of the first part of Module B, the acquired knowledge and skills will be evaluated through by a written learning test in the form of multiple-choice tests will be given (31 questions in 30 minutes).
An oral exam could be possibly fixed.
The final grade will come from the average of the grades obtained in both tests.

Reference texts

Information downloadable from the teacher website
- Legal text “Sicurezza sul Lavoro” in italian
- D.Lgs n.81/08 ed s.m.i., updated to 2017; publications in the Italian language.
- Direttive/Regolamenti UE downloaded from the EU's website.
- Accordi Stato, Regioni/Province Autonome (publications in the Italian language).