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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

The course offers a training course to deepen basic knowledge on the issues of prevention and protection in the workplace, in compliance with current legislation and in compliance with the Agreement State-Regions and Autonomous Provinces (July 2016).
The completion of Module A and Module B, common to all production macrosectors, enables the role of Officer of the Prevention and Protection Service (ASPP), after appropriate verification of the knowledge and skills acquired.
Both Modules are preparatory to access to specialization modules and to the role of Head of the Prevention and Protection Service (RSPP).
In particular, the course completes the topics of Module B, and offers a specialization path in the field of "Chemical - Petrochemical" (Module B - SP4).
At the end of the course the student must have acquired techniques of knowledge and "problem solving" regarding the analysis and assessment of risks in addition to the planning of appropriate prevention interventions and drafting of a DVR.


To have attended and passed the course of “Safety Techniques I”, (Module A and Module B - part I).

Course programme

Module B - Part II (28 hours):
• Chemical agents, carcinogens and mutagens; asbestos. • Biological agents. • Risks related to particular activities: drug, psychotropic and alcohol consumption. • Confined and/or suspected environments of pollution; road activities; management of non-radioactive waste. • Organization of production processes.

Module B-SP4 (16 hours)
• Processi produttivi, organizzazione del lavoro, ambienti di lavoro; "Normativa CEI per strutture ed impianti Chimici e Petrolchimici. Plants in the Chemical and Petrochemical sector.
Exposure to Physical, Chemical, Carcinogenic and Mutagenic Agents in the Chemical and Petrochemical sector. • Chemical and petrochemical plants. • Elements of Risk Analysis and Risk Evaluation. Waste management and disposal cycle.

Didactic methods

The course is delivered in mixed mode (e-learning, lessons recorded or in streaming and, if possible, in presence). In itinere verifications will have the objective to punctuate and to verify the learning of the arguments.
Exercises may be planned, conducted in groups of deepening, with the aim of synthesizing proposals and solutions to real problems through the drafting of technical reports. * The State-Regions and Autonomous Provinces Agreement (2016) provides for the attendance of at least 90% of the lessons in each module.

Learning assessment procedures

Following the indications of the State-Regions and Autonomous Provinces Agreement (2016), at the completion of Module B, a written learning test in the form of multiple-choice tests is scheduled (31 questions in 30 minutes). The test is considered passed with a vote greater than or equal to 18/30. After passing the test will be awarded a certificate of eligibility with the vote achieved.
Similarly, at the end of the Specialist Module B-SP4, knowledge and skills acquired will be evaluated with the administration of a written test in the form of multiple-choice tests, (31 questions in 30 minutes). The test is considered passed with a grade greater than or equal to 18/30.
At the end of the training course it is necessary to draw up a risk assessment document relating to a chosen productive activity.
There may be a possible follow-up interview.
The final grade will be derived from the average of the grades obtained in the tests and in the evaluation of the DVR.

Reference texts

Information downloadable from the teacher website
- Legal text “Sicurezza sul Lavoro” in italian
- D.Lgs n.81/08 ed s.m.i.,; publications in the Italian language.
- Direttive/Regolamenti UE downloaded from the EU's website.
- Accordi Stato, Regioni/Province Autonome (publications in the Italian language).