Academic year and teacher
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- Versione italiana
- Academic year
- 2010/2011
- Teacher
- Credits
- 12
- Curriculum
- Didactic period
- Annualità Singola
- FIS/01
Training objectives
- Analysis of elementary digital system and design of general apparatous for the elaboration of digital signals. Introduction to the analysis of the alternative electrict sistems.
- Elementary mathematics and electromagnetism for the end of the course
Course programme
- Fundamental logical gates, main principles of Boole's algebra. Truth tables; logical variables and functions. Reduction of logical functions by mean Karnaugh's maps. Universal gates and their applications. Combinatorial and sequential circuits. Decoders and converters. Flip Flop Set Reset, JK, counters and comparators. Totem Pole, Open Collector and Three state outputs. Bus comunication. Multiplexers and demultiplexer. Development of simple circuits : data input by keyboard, circuit to realize sum and subtraction between 2 binary words, bus comunication, measurements of time and frequency of TTL signals. Comparators, shift registers and counters. Analysis of the alternative circuite, measurements of impedences.
Didactic methods
- Theory and practice experiences.
Learning assessment procedures
- Final laboratory project, theory test and oral.
Reference texts
- 1) Prints and / or copies of handouts available online at;
2) P. Horowitz, W. Hill "The Art of Electronics" , Cambridge University Press, New York (1980);
3) R. Giometti, F. Frascari "Elettronica, La Logica" , Calderini, Bologna (1990);
4) J. Millman, "Circuiti e sistemi microelettronici" , Bollati Boringhieri, Torino (1985);