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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Primo semestre (primi anni)

Training objectives

This course provides an overview of the disciplines that make up the Earth Sciences, with emphasis on the dynamic of the Earth and the geology of Italy. One of the main educational goals is to provide the basic knowledge of the geological processes that affect our planet and direct the student to the various disciplines that will characterize his course of study.

The main knowledge gained will be:

• How to divide the interior of the Earth based on the compositional characteristics and rheological properties;

• Recognize the minerals and native elements;

• Understand the basics of the magmatic process and the formation of igneous rocks;

• Define the different types of volcanoes and their products;

• Understand the sedimentary process and the formation of sedimentary rocks;

• Define and understand the principles of stratigraphy and sedimentary environments;

• Understand the metamorphic process and the formation of metamorphic rocks;

• Know how rocks are deformed and how they form the main tectonic structures such as folds and faults. What are earthquakes and the seismic risk of the Italian territory;

• Understand the dynamics of terrestrial and theories related to the expansion of the ocean floor and Plate Tectonics;

• Know the main orogenetic stages and paleogeographic reconstructions of the last 250 Ma.

• Learn about the geology of Italy.

The main skills (the ability to apply knowledge acquired) will be:

• to recognize and classify the main types of rocks;

• to identify the geological processes related to magmatism, metamorphism and sedimentary processes in their geodynamic and depositional setting;

• to recognize and classify folds and faults and assess any risks associated with active structures;

• to use the sedimentary processes to recognize and interpret sedimentary processes and evaluate the depositional environment and climate;

• to be able to reconstruct a stratigraphic succession and read a geological map

• to be able to recognize global geological processes that characterize our planet

• to use all the knowledge acquired during the course, and in particular those relating to the geology of Italy, to identify areas with high geological risk: seismic, volcanic and hydrogeological.


Curiosity and imagination;

Basic knowledge of Geography, Physics and Chemistry;

Course programme

The course includes lectures in the classroom for a number of 8 credits (CFU), corresponding to 64h. While for the laboratory exercises it is expected 1 CFU, corresponding to 10 h, for the recognition of the main rocks and for reading of geological maps.

First part (25 h of theory lectures + 8 h of laboratory practical exercises)

1. The interior of the Earth and the subdivision in layers based on the compositional characteristics and rheological properties;

2. The minerals and native elements: composition, structure, crystal habit and relative importance;

3. The process of magma and igneous rocks: the formation of the magma differentiation and its solidification. How to recognize and classify igneous rocks;

4. The different types of volcanoes and their products: types of volcanism and geodynamic context, products and volcanic risk. The Italian volcanoes.

5. The process sedimentary and sedimentary rocks: the areas of origin, transport mechanisms, types of sediment, textural features and size classes. How to recognize the diagenetic processes and how to classify the main types of sedimentary rocks;

6. The principles of stratigraphy and sedimentary environments: from continental environments to the marine sedimentation, the concept of time and Chronostratigraphic Standard Time Scale, concepts of classical stratigraphy and sequence stratigraphy.

7. The metamorphic process: controlling factors of metamorphism and its products, textures and structures related to metamorphism. How to recognize and classify the main types of metamorphic rocks;

8. Various exercises (1 CFU) on the recognition of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks.

Second part (25 h of theory lectures)

The deformation of rocks: the loads applied and rheological behaviour of rocks. Ductile deformation and resulting structures (folds), brittle (fractures and faults). How to classify and recognize the various types of faults and folds.
Earthquakes and seismic risk: types of seismic waves and their propagation velocity. The seismicity of the Italian territory and the seismic risk associated.
The dynamics and kinematics of the Earth: the mantle convection and alternative models, the expansion of the ocean floor and plate tectonics, as unifying theory of geological processes.
The continental margins and the formation of mountain ranges: the rifting of the continental collision. The main orogenic cycles (orogeny Hercynian and Alpine) and paleogeographic reconstructions.

Third part (14 h of theory lectures + 2 h of practical exercises on geological map)

Geological maps and reading skills: the stratigraphic sequence, the position and the spatial arrangement of formational units, reconstruction of geological sections.
Introduction to the geology of Italy: the orogenic systems and its parts (chain, foredeep, foreland), the geological "provinces" (Alps in ss., Southern Alps, Corsica-Sardinia block, Northern and southern Apennines, Calabrian Arc, Sicily).

Didactic methods

The teaching method includes lectures in the classroom on all the topics of the course and practical exercises on samples of rocks and reading and use of geological maps.

Lessons are conducted with the help of on-screen presentations, prepared by the teacher and constantly updated, with numerous pictures and diagrams of simplification. The information provided in the presentation come both from textbooks and by numerous scientific articles selected from international journals of major impact, or from Italian journal for the information about the regional geology of Italy.

The presentation follows a logical scheme with general concepts that are deepened in the course of the lesson. Many of the slides are deliberately in English to accustom students to the use of English terms that have no Italian translation.

During the lesson the teacher interacts frequently with students with specific questions, raising questions about the knowledge and interpretations to explain a particular process. Just as frequently tries to engage students in the description and interpretation of some examples of outcrop shown in photographs.

Further explanations and examples handle the blackboard, in some cases with the help of student volunteers who interact directly with the teacher or with the rest of the students attending.

The exercises involve more than the teacher in the classroom with the presence of qualified staff that acts as a teaching assistant. In particular during exercises on the rocks, the teacher and the assistant continually pass between the desks helping students in identification of minerals and providing suggestions on the criterion used to classify the rock. During the reading of geological maps suggestions are provided on stratigraphic sequence and for the correct execution of a cross sections and relative stratigraphic sequence

Learning assessment procedures

The aim of the examination is to test the level of achievement of learning objectives previously indicated.

The exam is divided into 2 parts: two written tests (partial exams) and a final oral and practical test on the recognition rocks.

• A first partial examination (open questions) on all the topics covered in the first half of the course (excluding the recognition rocks), from 1 through 10 of the course content specified above. The test is intended to evaluate the study of matter and understanding of the topics. To pass the test the student must acquire at least 18 points out of 30. The points relating to single questions can be different and still specified by the teacher during the test. The time for this test is 1.5 hours. It is not allowed to consult text book or use PCs, smart phones, iwatch ecc.;

• A final oral and practical recognition of rocks. This mode is reserved for the candidate who has passed the previous partial exam with a profit of at least 18/30. In particular, if the student has not passed or has not made a written test, or both, the oral examination will be integrated with specific questions and related links on the various parts of the course that has not been evaluated or not is reached sufficiency. To pass the oral exam the student must acquire at least 18 points out of 30.

The final grade is the sum of the two scores divided by 2. To pass the final exam is necessary to acquire a minimum score of 18 out of 30.

Reference texts

PDF copies of the presentations of the teacher and other materials provided during the course.

Many general topics can be explored on the following texts.

Alfonso Bosellini- La terra Dinamica, Italo Bovolenta editore. (in Italian)
Alfonso Bosellini - Le Scienze della Terra - Tettonica delle placche e storia geologica dell'Italia. Bovolenta editore (in Italian).
John P. Grotzinge and Jordan T.H. - Capire la Terra. Zanichelli editore.

or equivalent textbook in English approved by the teacher