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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Primo Semestre

Training objectives

The course aims to introduce students to the knowledge of the fundamentals of computer science: computer hardware and software, information encoding, essential elements of a local network and the Internet. The elements of descriptive statistics and an introduction to the territorial information systems will be provided.
At the end of the course the student will have acquired the basic knowledge on the functioning of the computer, the ability to process geological data using the spreadsheet as well as basic knowledge of geographic information systems.



Course programme

- Representation of information - Encoding of characters, numbers, images and sounds - Computer hardware architecture - Main memory, processor, secondary memory (6 hours)

- Software, types of licenses - Operating system - Process management, main memory, secondary memory (4 hours)

- Computer Networks - Basic Internet Concepts (4 hours)

- Principles of statistics - Descriptive statistics, frequency distributions, position indexes, dispersion measurements and related graphical representations - Statistical functions using the most common spreadsheets - Spreadsheet: general information, workbook, formatting, formulas, relative references and Absolutes, functions, import data from files, sorting, statistical applications, correlation, graphs. (10 hours)

- Introduction to geographic information systems - cartography and cartographic representations - vector and raster models (12 hours)

- Elaboration of geological data in Excel - Graphical representation - Overview of the characteristics of QGIS (24 hours)

Didactic methods

The teaching is organized as follows:
- classroom lessons on all course topics;
- exercises related to the processing of geological data in Excel

Learning assessment procedures

The exam consists of:

- in an oral test with some questions of general informatics, computer hardware and software, operating systems, information coding, networks which can be replaced by an optional in itinere test

- in a practical computer test with elaboration of geological data in Excel

- some questions on concepts of cartography, geodesy and introduction to GIS

Reference texts

Dennis P. Curtin, Kim Foley, Kunal Sen, Cathleen Morin Informatica di base 5/ed McGraw-Hill

L. Console, M. Ribaudo, U. Avalle, F. Carmagnola, F. Cena Introduzione all’informatica UTET

E. Caiaffa ECDL GIS McGraw-Hill

Migliaccio F. Carrion D. Sistemi Informativi Territoriali UTET

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