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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

The aim of the course is to describe chemical principles and applications of advanced analytical methods in separation science particularly focused on molecules identification and determination in food chemistry, pharmaceutics and nutraceutics. Students will improve their knowledge of theoretical and practical aspects linked to analytical methodologies (sampling, sample treatment, instrumental analysis) with attention to unconventional instrumental techniques or advanced aspects and implementations of already known methodologies. Students will gain ability to understand theoretical and fundamental principles of modern analytical-instrumental approaches aimed at analyzing numerous molecular classes of concern in food chemistry, pharmaceutics and nutraceutics. The ultimate goal is to give students the competences to correctly choose and to set-up an entire analytical procedure, suitable for both sample characteristics and target molecules, going through each analysis step (sampling, sample treatment, sample extraction, quali/quantitative analysis). This is aimed to solve specific problems in food chemistry, nutraceutics and pharmaceutics. Students can increase their know-how by means of learning advanced analytical techniques and unconventional methods for qualitative and quantitative purposes.


Fundamentals of instrumental (separative) analytical techniques; food chemistry; equilibria in aqueous solutions; fundamentals of organic chemistry; biochemistry.

Course programme

- Introduction to Proteomics, Metabolomics and Foodomics.
- Theory and practice of sampling. Characteristics of complex samples (biological and food).
- Sample treatment: theory and experimental drawbacks of real sample treatment and storage; liquid-phase extraction techniques; solid-phase extraction techniques; membrane-based extraction techniques; supercritical fluid extraction techniques.
- Biological methods of analysis: biosensors; immunochemical techniques; enzymatic analysis.
- Advanced separation methods: affinity chromatography (AC); chiral chromatography; supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC); capillary electrophoresis (CE); bidimensional and multidimensional separation systems (on-line coupling, sample transfer, orthogonality).
- Practical aspects of active compounds analysis in functional food (aminoacids, peptides, proteins; vitamins; terpenes; phenolic compounds; fiber and polysaccharides; phytoestrogens and hormons; lipids.
- Advanced aspects of Mass Spectrometry (MS): imaging MS; ion mobility; hydrogen-deuterium exchange; MS in enzymatic activity assay; isotopic labeling of peptides and proteins; metabolic pathway of therapeutic peptides.
- Practical aspects of compounds having pharmacological activity (in-vitro and in-vivo systems).
- Validation of analytical methods.

Didactic methods

Classroom lectures except for the last one that is dedicated to have a tour of our research laboratories and see some state-of-the-art analytical instruments.

Learning assessment procedures

Scope of the exam is to verify the knowledge of students in terms of both capacity of using basic concepts to understand most common analytical methods and employment of analytical instrumentations for food, pharmaceutical and nutritional chemistry.
Oral Exams at the end of the course. No partial written exams are planned. 6 questions are planned: 3 regarding theoretical aspects and 3 about practical applications a real case studies described in class. The exam will be considered as passed if 4 questions, 2 for each category (theory and applications), will be correctly answered.

Reference texts

- Didactic material from course teacher;

- D.A. Skoog, F.J. Holler, S.R. Crouch, Chimica
Analitica Strumentale, EdiSES, 2009;

- D. Harvey, Modern Analytical Chemistry, Mc Graw Hill, 2000;

- P. Cappelli, V. Vannucchi - Principidi di Chimica degli alimenti - Zanichelli, Bologna;

- P. Cabras, C. Tuberoso – Analisi dei prodotti alimentari – Piccin, Padova.

Books for in depth study:
- A. Cifuentes (Ed.), Foodomics: advanced mass spectrometry in modern food science and nutrition, Wiley, 2013;