Academic year and teacher
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- Versione italiana
- Academic year
- 2022/2023
- Teacher
- Credits
- 6
- Didactic period
- Secondo Semestre
- GEO/02
Training objectives
- Understanding of the sedimentary dynamics and depositional architecture of fluvial and deltaic systems. Applications for sequence stratigraphy, coal and hydrocarbon geology, hydrogeology and geotechnics.
- Basic knowledge of climatology, physical geography, geomorphology, sedimentology and stratigraphy concepts.
Course programme
- Scientific and economical relevance of fluvial successions. Fan, alluvial plain, deltaic and estuarine depositional systems. Subsurface stratigraphic reconstruction. Regional case histories. Sequence stratigraphy concepts. Palaeoclimatic and eustatic controls. Hydrocarbon geology and hydrogeological implications. Examples from the Po Plain and Delta area. Field activity in the Po Delta and on outcroping fossil analogous.
Didactic methods
- Oral lessons
Learning assessment procedures
- Oral examination.
Reference texts
- Ricci Lucchi: Sedimentologia. Ed. Clueb.
Walker and James: Facies Model. Geological Assocaition of Canada.
Testi, carte e dispense distribuiti durante lo svolgimento del corso.
La consultazione del sito Google Earth è sempre fondamentale, anche con il confronto diacrono di immagini satellitare di epoca diversa e l'uso di streetview e delle foto associate.
Per la Pianura Padano-Veneta è fondamentale Carta geomorfologica della Pianura Padana = Geomorphological map of Po plain . Carta altimetrica e dei movimenti verticali del suolo della Pianura Padana = Map of relief and vertical movements of Po plain : scala/ scale 1 : 250.000, SElCA, Firenze, 1997.