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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

The learning objectives of this course are to provide students with knowledge regarding applications of the basic concepts of Geomorphology to issues of environmental and engineering. The course also aims at enabling students to translate into a quantitative result analyzes of soil carried out. Upon course completion, the student will be able to have a remarkable mastery of snow science, and the problems associated with it; It will be able to produce an avalanche cartography as an instrument of territorial planning in areas of medium and high mountain, through the use of numerical models. The second part of the course will more understand the issues related to the processes of soil erosion, landslides sl and to deal with problems of hydrology in collaboration with hydraulic engineers. It should be noted that, at national level, in relation to applied and environnmental geology, the part dealing with snow science is applied in a way so complete proposal only in this University


There is no required prerequisites for attendance of the courses. Evidently, however, the student must have an excellent knowledge base for mapping and surveying, physical geography, geomorphology and hydrogeology.

Course programme


Formation and evolution of the snow: metamorphisms and types of avalanches (5 hours)

Analysis of snowpack stability. Models 1,2,3,4,5, and 7 AINEVA. (4 hours)

Cartography avalanche; from the land register avalanches to CaP. Delimitation of risk areas avalanche and as an instrument of territorial planning (3 hours)

Avalanche defense structures (2 hours)

Alpine meteorology (3 hours)

Hazard scale and avalanche bulletin (3 hours)


1 - Types of hydro-geological and environmental hazard(1-2 hours)

2 - Geomorphologic Cartography (3 hours)

3 - Erosion - Impact of erosion and sedimentation; types and processes of surface erosion, erosion factors : Natural and anthropogenic factors. The USLE. (4 hours)

4 - Landslides Classification, concept of susceptibility and prediction of landslides (4 hours)

5 - Previous hydro-geological studies: AVI file, IFFI, the PAI - plans hydrogeological (3 hours)

6 – Hydrology; characteristics of the river basins, precipitation, concentration time, times of return, pluviometric probability curves, definition of rain project and principle of hydraulic invariance; (4 hours)

7 – Seminar concerning problems of subsidence, protection works of flooding (2 hours)

8 - Seminar concerning the seismic risk - the seismic microzonation (2 hours)

Didactic methods

Lectures, seminars carried out by specialized technicians, 3 days excursion on snow science and mountain geomorphology.

Learning assessment procedures

The aim of the examination is to test the level of achievement of learning objectives previously indicated.

The examination is divided in two parts that take place on the same day.

A report of snow science performed following all the activities carried out during the excursion.

An oral examination concerning the second part of the program. If the student does not participate to the excursion of snow science and, therefore, will not submit the requested report, it will have to support a second oral subject concerning the snow lessons.

The final grade is the average of the two scores.

To pass the exam you must obtain a minimum score of 18 out of 30.

If either test is insufficient or if the total score is less than 18, you must repeat both tests.

Reference texts

Teacher notes

Dispense available at - snow and avalanches

For further information -

Kappemberger G. & Kerkmann J.(1997) “Manuale di meteorologia alpina”, Zanichelli ed., Bologna.

Manuale delle valanghe. Formazione. Dinamica ed effetti. Prevenzione e sicurezza. Soccorso, Libro di David McClung, Peter Schaerer. Zanichelli ed., Bologna.