Academic year and teacher
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- Versione italiana
- Academic year
- 2016/2017
- Teacher
- Credits
- 6
- Didactic period
- Secondo Semestre
- GEO/11
Training objectives
- Ability to apply the techniques of geophysical survey, common in the world of professional Geology(refraction seismics, surface waves-based methods, magnetometry, geoelectric and geoelectromagnetic methods, ground penetrating radar). The acquired skills will allow to independently plan the geophysics campaign and collect the data to get the physical-geometrical structure of the investigated subsurface and to formulate the geological model.
- knowledge of the theoretical basis of the geophysical investigation methods, and of respective data inversion techniques.
Course programme
- The course includes 48 hours of lectures and tutorials. Lectures recall the theoretical basis of geophysical methods that are field tested.
• Gravimetry (2 hours): the gravity meters, data acquisition, derivation of gravimetric anomaly;
• Magnetometry (10 hours): reminder of the concept of magnetic anomaly; description and training of the Overhauser effect proton magnetometer; short campaign in a test site tand data processing in the computer lab;
• refraction seismic (6 hours): reminder of data processing methods, exercise campaign in the courtyard of the Department and processing of data in the computer lab;
• seismic tomography (4 hours): recall the methods of data inversion; tomographic inversion of seismic refraction data in the computer lab;
• surface waves (12 hours): recall of methods based on active sources (SASW, MASW) and on ambient seismic noise (Re.Mi., SPAC, ESAC, HVSR): Exercise campaign in the courtyard of the Department and processing of collected data in the computer lab;
• geo electromagnetic methods (6 hours): description of the GPR, exercise campaign in the courtyard of the Department and processing of collected data in the computer lab;
• criteria for drafting a technical report (2 hours). Didactic methods
- in room lectures to recap the theoretical bases and the practical procedures of each investigation method; field training and subsequent laboratory for processing and for geophysical and geological interpretation o0f the acquired data
Learning assessment procedures
- oral examination at the end of the course: exposure of at least 3 topics selected by the teacher is requires. Acquired skill, completeness of exposure and propriety of language are assessed.
Reference texts
- G. Santarato, N. Abu Zeid, S. Bignardi. Lezioni di Geofisica Applicata (Libreria Universitaria Editrice, Padova, 2015).