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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

To master the main available means as regards the popularization of the mathematics from the book in its several expressions, to the cinema and theatre, exhibitions and museums, multimedia interactive systems. Be able to review a scientific event as a meeting, a conference, an exhibition, a film. Be able to plan and organize an exhibition with a mathematical subject.


no special required in advance .

Course programme

Analysis and word processing ( book reviews, news items, interviews, news report concerning exhibitions, museums, etc ). Virtual tour to some exhibitions and public galleries dedicated to mathematics (Giardino di Archimede in Florence, La Villette in Paris, etc ). Introduction and watch of some films on art and mathematics by Michele Emmer, classical films on mathematicians, films for international mathematical festivals.
Among the topics developed there are the following topics: Mathematics and literature; mathematics and art; relations between science and faith.
Every year a topic is chosen and the students must carry it with the support of the teacher. This year an exhibition will be performed by the students on the developments of arithmetic and algebra from Al-Khwarizmi to Rafael Bombelli. For this activity are provided twenty hours.

Didactic methods

Lessons of the teacher; research in the library and in Internet ; group work

Learning assessment procedures

The student should draw up a written paper on a mathematical topic assigned by the teacher. Moreover, the student should plan and organize some panels for an exhibition and also some materials with the aim to deepen the subjects exposed on the panels. The work produced by the students will be submitted to the judgment of the teacher who will also give a valutation in order to pass the exam.

Reference texts

R. Courant e H. Robbins, Che cos'è la matematica, Bollati Boringhieri
Racconti matematici a cura di Claudio Bartocci, Einaudi Editore, 2006;
G. Galilei, Lettere teologiche, Piemme 1999
Proceedings of the meetings "Matematica e Cultura" 1997-2015 edited by M. Emmer