lab 14_cluster analysis 2
Lab_non hierarchical cluster.txt
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### UNIFE 2019 - docente: MINI V. ### #### non hierarchical cluster analysis #### # we use the in-class experiment database: wh # STEP-BY-STEP ANALYSIS # 0. database creation/preparation # 1. checking variables and observations # 2. create and comment the plot # 3. normalize the data # 4. performing non hierarchical cluster (k-means method) # 5. observe and comment your clusters # 6. plotting results and checking for the right numbers of clusters # 7. make a final comment (considering the initial research questions) ######## 0. database creation and/or preparation getwd() #change directory wh=read.csv2("wh.csv") attach(wh) ######## 1. checking variables and observation str(wh) View(wh) ######### 2. create and comment the plot pairs(x=wh,panel=panel.smooth) #or you can use: plot(peso~altezza,wh) #we may add the label m for male and f for female with(wh,text(peso~altezza,labels=sex)) #we may adjust the labels considering their position and the text dimension with(wh,text(peso~altezza,labels=sex,pos=1,cex=.6)) #pos=1 means next to the dot (lower the number , closer the label to the dot) #cex=.6 indicates the dimension of the text (higher the number, bigger the text) #please, comment the scatter plot looking at the groups you may individuate. ######## 3. normalize the data #the average value of each variables will be 0 and #the standard variation will be approximately = 1 #the standardized value = (observed value-mean)/standard deviation #you can compute all the elements using R: sd(peso) mean(peso) sd(altezza) mean(altezza) #and ten compute each standardized values #i.e. for the 1 student: Zpeso=(60-65.48)/12.94 #or we can use the command scale in R #obviously we need to use only numeric variables wh1=wh[,-1] wh2=wh1[,-3] str(wh2) #all the variables are numeric z=wh2 m=apply(z,2,mean) s=apply(z,2,sd) z=scale(z,m,s) ######### 4. performing non hierarchical cluster (k-means method) #we use the kmeans command # the argument are: # - the standardized values matrix (z) # - the number of clusters we impose (3) kc=kmeans(z,3) # we perform a non hierarchical cluster based on kmeans method #let's observe our performed n/h cluster analysis analysis ######### 5. observe and comment your clusters kc # 5.A #### 1 OUTPUT ROW: we obtain information about our analysis: # K-means clustering with 3 clusters of sizes 23, 20, 15 # 5.B #### 2 ROW OUTPUT ROW: we may profile each cluster using cluster means information: # i.e : the 3rd cluster is caracherized by the highest and eviest students # (in fact it's defined by the two highest average values) # 5.C #### 3rd OUTPUT ROW: clustering vector # here we may individuate the cluster memberships # i.e. the first student belongs the first cluster # i.e. the second student belongs the first cluster too # i.e. the 11th student belongs the 3rd cluster ... and so on # 5.D #### 4th OUTPUT ROW: WCSS in each cluster # in other words we have information about within deviance (WD) # in addition we can see the R square value = BD/TD = Bss/Tss=74.6% # (remember: RQ vary between 0 and 1 --> the lower the value, the weaker the performed analysis # in other words we are saying that given a partition of the units in 3 groups, # the proportion of global variability explained by this partition is 74.6% # so we are explaining a high part of global variability in our data # 5.E #### last OUTPUT ROW: # all the specific information we may ask on our performed analysis kc$cluster kc$centers kc$size kc$iter #etc. ######### 6. plotting results and checking for the right numbers of clusters plot(peso~altezza,wh) # using this visualization we are unable to see the created clusters # to individuate each created cluster we can add colors by clusters plot(peso~altezza,wh,col=kc$cluster) plot(peso~altezza,wh,col=wh$sex) # generally, if the two plots are similar, it'means you are performing a good classification/clustering # please, make a comment: why the two graphs are not very similar? #########7. make a final comment (considering the initial research questions)