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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Primo Semestre

Training objectives

The main focus of this course is an overall description of the standard model of the fundamental interactions. This course will help students to master the technical skills necessary to perform fairly complex computations in perturbation theory; the final outcome of this course is the ability to read and understand current journal papers on the subject.


Students must have attended the Course on "Introduction to field theories" and must have mastered the main topics of that course.

Course programme

This couse covers the following items:
-Review of one-loop renormalization theory in QED
-Quantum field theories with internal global symmetries
-Spontaneous symmetry breaking in field theories
-Goldstone theorem
-Introduction to non-abelian gauge theories
-Spontaneous symmetry breaking in abelian and non-abelian gauge theories
-Higgs mechanism
-The Weinberg Salam (WS) model of electro-weak interactions
-Low-energy phenomenology of the WS model
-High-energy phenomenology of the WS model
-Production and decay modes of the Higgs boson
-Introduction to Quantum Chromo-Dynamics (QCD)
-"Beta" function and asymptotic freedom
-Introduction to factorization
-Examples of simple tree level processes in QCD
-A short introduction to "Beyond Standard Model" theories

Didactic methods

This course is based on lectures. Approximately 25% of all lectures will focus on solving problems of variable level of complexity, covering topics discussed in previous lectures; students are encouraged to play an active role in these lectures, e.g., by suggesting possible solutions to the problems and performing related calculations.

Learning assessment procedures

In the oral exams, the student will be usually asked three or four questions, on
i) theoretical topics discussed during the course, in order to assess the student's level of knowledge
ii) exercises on topics covered in the course, in order to assess the student's abilities.

Reference texts

M. E: Peskin, D. V: Schroeder, An Introduction To Quantum Field Theory

F. Mandl, G. Shaw, Quantum Field Theory