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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

The aim of this course is provide the students with the foundations of modern observational cosmology. The standard cosmological model will be reviewed together with the broad range of observational evidence supporting our current view of the formation and evolution of the Universe. Outstanding issues and challenges will also be discussed. Lectures will illustrate the multi-wavelength observational techniques and methodologies to study structure formation from small to large scales, as well as to measure cosmological parameters. With this basic knowledge, the student should be able to understand non specialistic literature in cosmology, and become familiar with distance, time and energy scales in the universe.


Solid knowledge of mechanics, thermodynamics and electromagnetism. Basic knowledge of relativity and quantum mechanics. Solid knowledge of calculus and Fourier analysis.

Course programme

The course includes 54 hours of lecturing.

Introduction to Cosmology
- Brief historical introduction to Cosmology, Hubble expansion and Hubble diagram
- Overview of the spatial and temporal scales of the Universe: from the Milky Way to the furtherest galaxies, from stars to large scale structures.
- The cosmic distance scale: how to measure distances in our Galaxy and most distant objects

The standard cosmological model
- Expanding Universe: Newtonian model and within General Relativity (basics): FRW/Lemaitre models, redshift-distance-cosmic time relations. The cosmological constant.
- Classical tests of Big Bang model, nucleo-synthesis of primordial elements, cosmic microwave background, large-scale structure
- Brief history of the Universe: early Universe, recombination, reionization, structure formation
- Evidence for dark matter and dark energy, the mass-energy density budget in the Universe.

The boundary between Astrophysics and Cosmology
- Observational tools of extra-galactic astronomy (form the Radio to the X-ray)
- Cosmic structures: galaxies, groups and clusters of galaxies.
- Theoretical and observational basics of galaxy formation and evolution.
- Black-hole accretion, quasars and AGN. Galaxy-BH coevolution.

Modern probes of cosmological models and beyond:
- Geometry and growth of structure. Power spectrum of density fluctuations.
- Past, current and future projects and missions.
- Open questions and challenges in the standard model and fundamental physics

Didactic methods

Theoretical lectures with problem solving, with the help of slides.

Learning assessment procedures

Scope of the exam is to grade the breadth and depth of knowledge of the student on the topics covered during the course.
The oral exam consists of two or three questions on fundamental issues covered during the course, in addition to a detailed report on a special topic of the program, which can be chosen by the student. The latter allows the lecturer to test the ability of the students in collecting the relevant literature, and grade his/her organization and communication skills.

Reference texts

On-line material on dedicated webpage (slides, references, review articles)

Selected chapters from:
P. Schenider "Extragalctic Astronomy and Cosmology"
S. Serjeant: "Observational Comology"
M. Longair: High-energy Astrophysics
M. Longair: Galaxy Formation (edizione 1998 o 2008)