Academic year and teacher
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- Versione italiana
- Academic year
- 2015/2016
- Teacher
- Credits
- 6
- Didactic period
- Primo Semestre
- FIS/02
Training objectives
- To present the most important applications of non-relativistic quantum mechanics.
- The third year course (Bachelor Degree) about the elements of quantum mechanics.
Course programme
- Discrete symmetries.
Semicalssical approximation (WKB).
Tensor operators.
Time independent and dependent perturbation theory. Applications.
Identical particles.
Variational methods.
Propagators and the Feyman formulation.
Quantum mechanics in an electromagnetic field. Didactic methods
- Theory lectures and exercises.
Learning assessment procedures
- Written and oral examination
Reference texts
- J.J. Sakurai Meccanica quantistica moderna;
D.J.Griffiths, Introduction to quantum mechanics;