Academic year and teacher
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- Versione italiana
- Academic year
- 2021/2022
- Teacher
- Credits
- 6
- Didactic period
- Primo Semestre
- MAT/03
Training objectives
- The course is an introduction to algebraic topology.The basic notions of general topology are introduced.Great attection will be paid to the fundamental group and in general to algebraic structures devoted to classify topological spaces.
The student has to be able to solve exercises in the area of topology and algebraic topology. Prerequisites
- -linear algebra -calculus
Course programme
- This is a 48 hours course:
General topology: topological spaces - product and quotient topology - compactness - separation - connectedness (30 hours)
Algebraic topology: foundamental group - covering spaces - topological varieties (18 hours) Didactic methods
- Lectures and example classes. Every 4 hours of lecture there are 2 hours of example classes where students are asked to participate in exercise solutions.
Learning assessment procedures
- At the end of the general topology part there is an example sheet that student has to prepare at home, without marking.
The exam is composed by:
a written test of one hour and a half with questions and exercises (each question has his own marking),
an oral exam where the student has to solve exercises at the blackboard.
The final marking is given according to both oral presentation and the written marking. Reference texts
- E. Sernesi "Geometria 1", "Geometria 2" Bollati Boringhieri
C. Kosniowski "Introduzione alla topologia algebrica"