Study periods abroad

Study abroad

Doctoral students who intend to carry out study periods abroad must present a special authorization, signed by the Coordinator or the Tutor, to the Doctorate Office before departure. If the stay is equal to or longer than six months, the approval of the Academic Board is also required. For scholarship holders, there is also an increase of fifty percent in the scholarship for each day of stay abroad that is duly certified.


Before leaving

the required documentation consists of a form completed and signed by the doctoral student, and countersigned by the Coordinator of the Research Doctorate or by the Tutor when the continuous stay is less than six months. If the continuous stay is equal to or longer than six months, the Academic Board must officially approve it, and the date of the resolution must be indicated on the form.

Please note that the obligation to present this authorization to the Doctorate Office applies to both scholarship holders and those who do not receive it.

Upon returning

All doctoral students must submit a certification to the Doctorate Office within 15 days of their return to Italy regarding the period of study conducted abroad. This certification must be issued by the foreign institution where the stay took place and should indicate the start and end dates of the study period abroad. Alternatively, a declaration signed by the Coordinator or Tutor can be submitted.

Rientro frequenza all'estero (per studenti con e senza borsa)

Scholarship increase

The scholarship amount for any period of study abroad is increased by 50% for a maximum of 12 months from cycle 38 (18 months until cycle 37), unless otherwise provided by specific conventions or agreements for the internationalization of doctorates. The increase is paid at the end of the stay abroad, together with the first installment of the ordinary scholarship. In the event that the study stay abroad is expected to last for no less than two months, the doctoral student may request an advance payment of 60% of the amount due for the expected stay period.

Upon returning, the doctoral student must provide a certification within 15 days regarding the period actually spent abroad, issued by the foreign institution or, in its absence, by the Coordinator of the Doctorate program. The increase (total amount or balance) will be paid upon return, subject to the presentation of the attendance certificate.


For countries with which there is a specific convention (European countries: EU), it is sufficient to have the magnetic health card, which on the back shows the TEAM (European Health Insurance Card). For other countries, it is advisable to obtain private insurance (the Italian state may only reimburse part of the costs in case of significant hospital expenses). A doctoral student who spends a research period in the USA with a J1 visa will be required by the host to take out insurance. For short periods, the coverage can be reduced to a minimum so that only hospitalization and surgery are covered. For longer periods, it is advisable to have a more comprehensive coverage.