Sostenibilità ambientale e benessere

  • English version Bandiera-inglese
  • Durata: 3 anni
  • Modalità di ammissione: titoli e colloquio
  • Coordinatrice: Prof. Paola Spinozzi
  • Sede: Ferrara
  • Titolo finale: Dottore di ricerca in Enviromental Sustainability and Wellbeing
  • Dipartimento Proponente: Studi Umanistici
  • Soggiorni di studio all’estero: almeno 6 mesi obbligatori nel corso dei 3 anni
  • Curriculum: NO
  • Obiettivi formativi


Metodi, Contenuti, Finalità

Il corso di dottorato innovativo in Sostenibilità ambientale e Benessere è interdisciplinare, intersettoriale e internazionale. La sostenibilità è stata studiata con metodi disparati in vari settori disciplinari. L’obiettivo di questo corso è formare ricercatori che, partendo dall’originaria formazione, acquisiscano metodologie interdisciplinari e integrate per gestire la sostenibilità dell’ambiente in relazione al benessere degli organismi viventi.

La formazione si basa sulla sinergia fra quattro macro-areee: 1. Discipline umanistiche e Scienze sociali; 2. Economia e Giurisprudenza; 3. Architettura, Pianificazione e Ingegneria; 4. Scienze della vita, chimiche e biomediche.

Competenze socio-umanistiche riguardano Ecocritica ed Ecolinguistica, gestione dei beni culturali e metabolismo urbano; modelli di partecipazione, pratiche di teatro sociale e di comunità; programmi pedagogici e psicosociali di educazione alla sostenibilità e al pensiero ecologico, estesi a soggetti con disabilità e bisogni speciali.

Competenze in economia, econometria e diritto si incentrano sulla green, circular, and sharing economy applicate a sistemi produttivi, mercato del lavoro, smart mobility, green energy and finance, green and digital transformation, green policy evaluation and climate change.

Competenze in architettura e pianificazione, sistemi e macchine per l’energia si concentrano su resilienza e transizione, GIScience e climate proof planning, renewable energy e upgrade energetico-ambientale dell’ambiente costruito.

Competenze nelle scienze della vita, chimiche e biomediche comprendono: diversità ecologica e genetica e potenziale evolutivo delle specie; mitigazione degli effetti da attività antropogeniche e sostanze climalteranti e tossiche; adattamenti plastici dell’organismo nei diversi stati di salute in risposta a corretti stili di vita.

Collocando ambiente e benessere sostenibile in una prospettiva di complessità biologica e culturale, una nuova generazione di ricercatori possiederà gli strumenti per gestire risorse, attività produttive e heritage in ecosistemi fragili e per migliorare la qualità della vita e della salute.


Sbocchi occupazionali e professionali previsti

La formazione acquisita sarà apprezzata in settori tradizionali e innovativi in ambito nazionale e internazionale:

1. enti ministeriali, regionali, comunali e agenzie per la gestione e valorizzazione di città e territorio, biodiversità, beni culturali; complessi archeologico-museali, parchi e zoo; istituti di ricerca quali ISPRA, EEA; organismi non-profit e ONG quali WWF, Greenpeace, OIE, FAO, FWW, Oxfam; agenzie per la salute quali OMS, ECDC, OCSE e di sviluppo quali UNDP, UNIDO, UNEP e World Bank;

2. industrie, imprese, studi professionali per la gestione di risorse rinnovabili, materie prime seconde e scarti; riutilizzo di beni di consumo; gestione di illeciti amministrativi e reati nel settore agro-ambientale;

3. centri di ricerca per la prevenzione delle malattie e la promozione della salute e del benessere psico-fisico.

I dottori di ricerca potranno ricoprire ruoli di: ricercatore, docente, divulgatore di culture della sostenibilità e del benessere; pianificatore di programmi di educazione a comportamenti ecologici nei luoghi di lavoro; dirigente di aziende, musei e siti archeologici sostenibili; policy maker ed esperto legale in green/circular/sharing economy e progettazione ambientale nel processo edilizio; pianificatore, city manager; energy manager; programmatore di attività produttive; funzionario di enti per la tutela di risorse naturali e biodiversità; certificatore di agricoltura sostenibile e biologica; esperto in progettazione e applicazione di servizi basati sull’attività fisica per il benessere e la qualità della vita in comunità e luoghi di lavoro.

Progetti di Ricerca e programma formativo

L’impostazione interdisciplinare del corso di dottorato in Sostenibilità ambientale e benessere richiede che ogni progetto di ricerca colleghi almeno due fra queste quattro macroaree disciplinari:

1. Discipline umanistiche e Scienze sociali;

2. Economia e Giurisprudenza;

3. Architettura, Pianificazione e Ingegneria;

4. Scienze della vita, chimiche e biomediche.

Il programma formativo è suddiviso in attività specifiche per ogni studente e in attività per tutti gli studenti.

Le attività formative specifiche per ogni studente sono definite da due supervisori che rappresentano le diverse macroaree rilevanti per il progetto di ricerca e sono individuati fra i docenti e i ricercatori che costituiscono il Collegio dei docenti. I supervisori interagiscono costantemente fra loro e con lo studente.

Le attività formative per tutti gli studenti sono caratterizzate dalla partecipazione di studiosi nazionali ed internazionali, membri del collegio docenti e ospiti, e prevedono:

A. un ciclo intensivo di seminari, laboratori e lezioni all’apertura del corso, nel mese di novembre;

B. una serie di seminari e laboratori da dicembre a maggio;

C. un modulo intensivo della durata di una settimana, finalizzato all’apprendimento della comunicazione multimediale.

Il ciclo di seminari e workshops nel mese di novembre è incentrato sui metodi della ricerca disciplinare e interdisciplinare e sulla definizione della sostenibilità e del benessere in una prospettiva umanistica e scientifica.

Il modulo intensivo della durata di una settimana, finalizzato all’apprendimento della comunicazione multimediale, è organizzato presso il Se@Unife,

I seminari e i laboratori da dicembre a maggio hanno la durata di un mese ognuno, sono condotti in sinergia da studiosi di almeno due diversi ambiti disciplinari e si articolano in una serie di incontri nell’arco del mese.

I membri del Collegio dei docenti appartengono ai seguenti settori scientifico-disciplinari, indicati in inglese, la lingua ufficiale del programma di dottorato:






Academic Role



Scientific Sector

I. Humanities and Social Sciences – Macroarea

I.1. Humanities




Università di Ferrara, Italy

Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici

Full Professor



L-LIN/10 -English Literature

Research Areas: 1. The Ecological Humanities, Ecocriticism, and Sustainability Studies; 2. Utopian Studies, with a focus on art and aesthetics, imperialism, racism, evolutionism; 3. Literature and Science, science writing, narrativization of scientific theories; 4. Theories, and methodologies of verbal-visual studies, literature, and the visual arts.

Current research revolves around: ecological thought that can foster cultures of sustainability and wellbeing and encourage pro-environmental behaviours, agency, and action; utopian, post/apocalyptic and climate change fiction, ecopoetry and ecotheatre that addresses the interconnectedness and interdependence of all living species, the impact of anthropogenic phenomena, post/apocalyptic visions, forms of resilience, adaptation, and regeneration.

Aims: to strengthen the importance of the ecological humanities for the development of sustainable cultures and lifestyles, the wellbeing of all living organisms and the preservation of natural and cultural heritage; to develop ecological thought open to inter- and trans-disciplinarity; to understand the potentialities and limits of humanism and transhumanism.





Università di Macerata, Italy

Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici

Full Professor




English Language

Research Areas: Her research interests include Gender Studies, Victorian literature and culture, the intersections between literature and economic ideas and practices, contemporary novels and AI narratives, and critical heritage studies.





Universidade do Porto, Portugal

Departamento de Estudos Anglo-Americanos

Associate Professor



L-LIN/10 -English Literature

Research Areas: Utopian Studies with a focus on representations and visions of the future that have contributed to the construction of a better society. Her background in Literature and Culture, her methodology is based on Spatiality Studies and Digital Humanities (big data, spatial visualisation, distant reading). She has worked in the field of Food Studies and coordinated the Alimentopia - Utopian Foodways project,, investigating gender and social issues (Who prepares the food and for whom? Who cleans after the meals?) as well as sustainability issues (How is food produced? How is it distributed? What happens to the leftovers?). Currently she is working on how collective imagination may drive a real change, mainly as regards the construction of post-COVID-19 societies.





Università di Ferrara, Italy

Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche, Farmaceutiche ed Agrarie





English Language

Research Areas: Translation studies, with a sociological approach. 2. Reception studies, with a focus on archival research, publishing studies and sociology of translation, also using Digital Humanities as methodology. 3. Ecocriticism and Literary ecology, with a specific interest in new rhetorical constructions of the narration of human/nature relationships, Climate Change, in the literary representation of the more than human and in the narration of trauma. 4. An additional research area concerns the legacies of modernism on contemporary fiction writers, especially Jeanette Winterson, Ian McEwan, and Ali Smith.




Richard Stephen

Università di Ferrara, Italy

Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici

Senior Lecturer




English Language

Research Areas: English language with a cultural and anthropological focus, using a methodology informed by teacher training. Publications include course-books for English language learners and studies reflecting interest in developments in the language from a sociolinguistic, textual, and pragmatic point of view. Language testing is another area of interest, involving participation in the development of regional examinations for the certification of language teachers in Italy, and the theoretical and practical evaluation of current language tests. Recent publications include work on computer-assisted language testing, corpus linguistics and the possible roles of English as a Lingua Franca and as a language of social division.





CNR – Consiglio Nazionale delle ricerche






Prehistory and Early History

Research Areas: 1. Balkan and Mediterranean archaeology; 2. Pre- and Protohistory material culture and mobility; 3. past and present identities; 4. agent based modelling; 5. network analysis.





IONIO – Ionian University, Corfu, Greece

Department of History

Associate Professor




Prehistory and Early History

Research Areas: Landscape Archaeology and Aegean Prehistory. He is involved in numerous projects in the Cyclades, Crete, the Ionian Islands, and mainland Greece, focusing on landscape history and archaeology in a diachronic and interdisciplinary perspective. Research interests also include public archaeology, archaeological theory, and the application of GIS in the analysis of Mediterranean landscapes. He is currently taking part in two projects on cultural heritage and sustainable planning, involving local communities in the participatory planning, at Therasia Island and at the Ecomuseum of Southern Corfu.





Università di Ferrara, Italy

Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici

Associate Professor




Classical Archaeology

Research Areas: Greek and Roman archaeology, landscape archaeology, history of Italian archaeology, anthropology, and history of religions of the ancient world. In particular: 1. Study of the ancient world with a cultural and holistic approach and a focus on the construction of local identities in relation to landscapes and memories. 2. Public archaeology with a focus on the role of archaeology in contemporary Europe and the relationship between archaeology and the construction of national and local identities. 3. Sustainable management of cultural heritage.





Università di Ferrara, Italy

Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici

Associate Professor




Methods of Archaeological Research

Research Areas: 1. Archaeozoological and taphonomic analysis aimed at reconstructing the environment and food habits in paleontological, prehistoric, and protohistoric contexts; 2. Analysis of subsistence strategies in order to define the paleo-economic framework; 3. Analysis of strategies for the exploitation and sustainable use of resources in relation to the environment and climate change; 4. Reconstruction of artisanal manufacture of hard animal materials and amber; 5. Valorisation of museum heritage and development of new digital solutions for disseminating scientific and humanistic culture and raising awareness about the cycles of nature and the anthropic impact on the environment over time.




Giuseppe Domenico

Università di Ferrara, Italy

Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici





Performing Arts

Research Areas: 1. Italian Renaissance theatre, with a focus on sacred representations in the late Quattrocento and connections with courtly patronage and material culture practices; 2. Anthropology of performance, especially folk drama in Southern Italy, examined in its performative dimensions and used as a framework to understand society, its values and identity; 3. Applied theatre, in particular theatre and active citizenship, people’s empowerment through the performing arts, theatre and the medical humanities, theatre in prison. He is the Director of Centro Teatro Universitario di Ferrara (University Theatre).





John Cabot University, Italy

Communication and Media Studies





Cinema, Photography and Television

Research Areas: 1. Ecomedia studies; 2. Ecocriticism; 3. Ecocinema; 4. environmental communication; 5. Ecolinguistics; 6. environmental humanities; 7. media studies; 8. cultural studies; 9. media literacy; 10. ecomedia literacy; 11. Ecojustice; 12. technology studies.





Università di Ferrara, Italy

Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Ambiente e della Prevenzione

Associate Professor




Philosophy and Theory of Language

Research Areas: 1. Semiotics of text and textual pragmatics; 2. Narratology and narrative theory in literature and audio-visuals, with a focus on ethics and the representation of fictional characters such as villains and antiheroes in literature, cinema, and tv series; 3. Semiotic analysis of advertising and marketing communication, specifically the study of persuasive mechanisms in print and audio-visual advertising; 4. Representation of climate change in different media, in particular television fiction and docu-fiction; media representations of environmental sustainability.


I.2. Social Sciences




Università di Torino

Dipartimento di Culture, Politica e Società

Associate Professor




History of Political Thought

Research Areas: Her research interests revolve around the history of European liberal and democratic thought and the European legal-political tradition of the late 19th and early 20th century, with a focus on German-language countries; nationality question within the Habsburg Empire, pacifist theories, with a focus on the interplay between pacifism and ecological thought.





Università di Ferrara, Italy

Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici

Associate Professor




General Sociology

Research Areas: Racism, discrimination, Islamophobia, Antisemitism, interethnic relations in urban setting, socio-spatial segregation, urban and housing policies, urban requalification of deprived areas. More recently he has worked on environmental justice, environmental racism, and social resilience. He serves as a member of the Scientific Board of Theomai. Society, Nature and Development Studies Network and Culture della Sostenibilità - Cultures of Sustainability. International Journal of Political Ecology and Environment Culture.





Università di Ferrara, Italy

Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici

Assistant Professor




General Sociology

Research Areas: 1. Social-ecological transformation processes from a sociological and political ecology standpoint; 2. democracy, participation, conflict and governance processes, from the local to the international level; 3. the roles and interrelations between diverse phenomena such as social movements, grassroots/social innovations, commons, the third sector, state institutions and political parties; social policies and policies for the ecological transition in different fields from agriculture to health and social care; 4. the study of diverse fields and theoretical paradigms from political ecology and critical theory to ecological economics, degrowth, ecofeminism, post- and decolonial studies, and (eco-)Marxist perspectives; 5. ecological concern and knowledge in young adults.




Juan Francisco

Western Sydney University, Australia

Institute for Culture and Society

Associate Professor




Urban and Environmental Sociology

Research Areas: Social ecological change, anthropology of futures, scientific practices in extreme environments, environmental justice in community-based adaptation to climate change, social studies of outer space. He is an anthropologist and documentary filmmaker with a background in communication and media and anthropology. Since 2011 he has developed pioneering ethnographic work in Antarctica. Since 2016 he has been a University Research Theme Champion (Environment and Sustainability) and since 2020 an Australian Research Council Future Fellow. His work on Indigenous media in Latin America was widely recognised for its novel focus on the poetics of Indigenous video practices and for bringing together Latin American film theory and communication theory with media anthropology. Among his most known films as director are De la Tierra a la Pantalla (2004); Nightfall on Gaia (2015) and The Bamboo Bridge (2019).





Università di Ferrara, Italy

Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici

Associate Professor




Demology, Ethnology and Anthropology

Research Areas: Urban Studies, Anthropology of Social Exclusion, Visual Anthropology and Anthropology of Literature. He is currently conducting research on the relationship between anthropology, literature, and territory. He serves as a member of the Scientific Committee of the Gramsci Institute Emilia-Romagna and of the trans-disciplinary research group Urban Traces. He is Co-Director with A. Alietti of the Laboratory of Urban Studies at the University of Ferrara and Co-Director with C. Cellamare of the Italian Journal of Urban Studies.





Università di Ferrara, Italy

Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici

Assistant Professor




Developmental and educational psychology

Research Areas: His scientific background includes research on motor behaviours and development in early infancy, music perception and performance and adolescent well-being and bullying, with a focus on epistemology, methodology and statistical data analysis. His current lines of research focus mainly on two areas of developmental and educational psychology, i.e., (1) spontaneous behaviours during perinatal life, with a specific interest in the dynamics of yawning, distress and smile modulation in foetuses, preterm and full-term neonates and infants, studied employing micro-analytic observational techniques of facial and non-facial behaviours, and (2) peer relationships and well-being in adolescence, with an emphasis on bullying, cyberbullying, school climate, positive peer relationships, as well as on multilevel risk and protective pathways to peer aggression and its psychological, emotional and social consequences.




Emilio Paolo

Università di Ferrara, Italy

Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici

Associate Professor




Social Psychology

Research Areas: 1. Theoretical and methodological skills of applied social psychology; 2. Social psychology of intergroup relations with a focus on prejudice and discrimination, intergroup contact, and cooperative learning; 3. Social identities, social norms, cultural and ethnic diversity. His quantitative research based on surveys and experiments is applied to socio-psychological phenomena in contexts such as schools, organizations, public offices. Currently his study focuses on the utilization, monitoring and evaluation of psychosocial programmes aimed at increasing pro-environmental attitudes and behaviours as well as environmental education in schools and universities, public and private workplaces.





Western Sydney University, Australia

Institute for Culture and Society

Associate Professor




Economic and political geography

Research Areas: Social, ecological, and economic sustainability of community-driven housing developments in Australia; the uptake of housing innovation in practice and policy; complex adaptive systems theory in urban contexts; the interfaces between sustainability, property rights, institutional design, and democracy. Her work is underpinning the emergence of forms of permanently affordable and community-led housing in Australia, such as housing cooperatives and community land trusts, on which she is Australia’s leading expert.


II. Economics and Law – Macroarea

II.1. Economics




Università di Ferrara, Italy

Dipartimento di Economia e Management

Associate Professor





Research Areas: 1. Applied analysis through microdata of the relationships between environmental innovations and labour market characteristics, with a focus on industrial relations and worker training; 2. Circular economy and ‘Industry4.0 technologies’ at the firm level; 3. Credit restrictions, green finance and relationships with environmental innovations and the economic performance of the firm; 4. Technological innovation and organizational change, including the changes in the working conditions of employees; 5. Innovative activity of firms even in periods of economic recession; 6. Vertical integration between manufacturing and services; 7. Evaluation of public policies, in particular regional ones, in support of firms innovation.





Università di Ferrara, Italy

Dipartimento di Economia e Management

Assistant Professor





Research Areas: 1) Environmental and resource economics; 2) technological transition at the heart of the green economy, along with its impacts and drivers; 3) the geography of technological change; 4) the labour market dynamics; 5) environmental policy actions tackling the climate crisis; 6) economic evaluation of environmental assets.





Unitelma Sapienza, Italy

Law and Economics

Assistant Professor





Research Areas: Her research focuses on sustainable development and transitions. She is currently investigating the socio-economic impacts of bio-based products on both producers and consumers. She has participated in several European funded projects.





Università di Ferrara, Italy

Dipartimento di Economia e Management





Economic Policy

Research Areas: Applied environmental economics related to sustainable development, climate change policies, environmental innovation, environmental policy design and assessment, waste management and policy, economic valuation of the environment, beyond GDP - green accounting issues. Inter- and multi-disciplinary perspectives encompass cultural heritage and policy, evaluation and management of marine resources and ecosystem services, bioeconomy and circular economy interlinkages, technological development in bio-based industries, behavioural change and cultural aspects of innovation adoption in low-income communities.





Università di Ferrara, Italy

Dipartimento di Economia e Management





Economic Policy

Research Areas: 1. Applied analysis through macro- and micro-data of green technological change in the energy sector with a focus on renewable sources; 2. Circular economy and “Industry4.0 technologies” at the firm level; 3. Green technologies and their impact on firms’ competitiveness; 4. Evaluation of public policies, in particular national ones, in support of firms’ innovation; 5. nonmarket valuation techniques in the fields of environment (air, water, waste); endangered species; cultural heritage.





Unitelma Sapienza

Law and Economics

Associate Professor




Applied Economics

Research Areas: The main focus of her research is to investigate how economic policies can be shaped taking into account individuals’ behaviour. She applies the tools of Behavioural Economics in many fields such as financial markets, social economy organization and energy consumption. She is currently involved in two European projects focusing on the use of primary and secondary biological feedstocks.





Università di Ferrara, Italy

Dipartimento di Economia e Management

Associate Professor




Applied Economics

Research Areas: Her holistic approach to socio-economic systems tackles their structural changes and developmental challenges in industrial policies at all levels of government. Her current research is focused on the challenges faced by industry throughout the implementation of the green, digital, and demographic transitions.





Katholieke Universiteit

Leuven, Belgium



Economics and Business

Assistant Professor




Applied Economics

Research Areas: She is developing her own research agenda ‘The Arts as a trigger for a sustainable change’. Within this agenda, different forms of art are integrated while investigating transformative learning, the commons, value thinking, emotions and systems thinking. Her research is embedded in the domains of sustainable management, social entrepreneurship and responsible management education. It is inspired by different disciplines such as organization theory, philosophy, social theory, cultural studies and art. The focus is on the power of art-based initiatives to foster a sustainability mindset in higher education and business environments. The research uses mainly qualitative research methodologies. She is currently collaborating with Van Gogh Europe and other different actors within sustainable city projects. For the latter we are developing a serious game that will be used in an experimental research setting.





Università di Ferrara, Italy

Dipartimento di Economia e Management

Associate Professor




Business administration and Management

Research Areas: Sustainability, management, tourism, cultural organizations, social and non-profit organizations, green economy.



Díaz López

Fernando Javier

Stellenbosch University, South Africa

Department of Engineering Management






Research Areas: Fernando is a director of research in innovation for sustainability and climate resilience & associate editor of the Cleaner Waste Systems Journal. An applied researcher and scholar using quantitative and qualitative methods, Fernando works in strategy and organisational aspects of ecoinnovation for circularity in firms & industry. His research is about management of ecoinnovation, circular business models, and twin transitions involving digital and circular industrial technologies.





Università di Ferrara, Italy

Dipartimento di Economia e Management

Associate Professor




Organization studies

Research Areas: organizational behaviours, organization theories, human resource management. He is currently investigating the influence of organizational contexts, individual differences, and different styles of leadership in facilitating or inhibiting proactive behaviours in work environments.





Università di Ferrara, Italy

Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche, Farmaceutiche ed Agrarie

Associate Professor




Agricultural economics and rural appraisal

Research Areas: Application of economic principles to the agri-food system with a focus on a) provision of food and nutrition security in developed and developing countries, b) technological, social and organizational innovation in the agri-food supply chain; c) adoption and diffusion of innovative business models for agricultural and food systems; d) resilience of agri-food supply chain in front of environmental, climatic, market, social, demographics pressures and shocks; e) provision of public goods and ecosystem services by agri-food sector; f) bioeconomy and bio-based economic and their implication for sustainable transformation of agri-food systems; g) design and impacts of agricultural, agri-climatic and environmental and trade policy. My research activities are pursued by applying quantitative or mixed methods: a) mathematical programming; b) (spatial) econometrics; c) multicriteria analysis; d) principal-agent theory; e) system dynamics f) participatory and multi-actor approach.





Università di Ferrara, Italy

Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche, Farmaceutiche ed Agrarie

Research Fellow




Agronomy and Field Crops

Research Areas: 1. Management of agricultural systems with conservation agriculture techniques; 2. Mineralization processes of plant biomass and organic matter based on soil tillage; 3. Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural activities and carbon dioxide fluxes from the soil; 4. Impact of sustainable agronomic techniques to reduce irrigation regimes; 5. Optimized use of nitrogen through cover crop biomass; 6. Management of plant biodiversity (weeds) in low-input agricultural production systems; 7. Analysis of agroecosystems through the use of indicators; 8. Ecological intensification of agroecosystems.




Silvia Rita

Università di Ferrara, Italy

Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche, Farmaceutiche ed Agrarie

Associate Professor




Agricultural Chemistry

Research Areas: 1. Conservation and improvement of agricultural soil health through sustainable practices; 2. Soil biodegradation of nutrients enriched cellulose- and chitosan-derived mulching films for sustainable horticulture.





Università di Salerno

Dipartimento di Scienze giuridiche - Scuola di Giurisprudenza

Associate Professor




Private Law

Research Areas: Civil Law, Fundamental Rights and Bio-law, IT Law. More specifically, she studies issues of pathology and remedies in contract, monetary obligations, and civil liability. More recently she has worked on bioethics and environmental protection issues such as energy, environmental and climate change law and real estate, environmental torts, and civil liability.





Università di Salerno

Dipartimento di Scienze giuridiche - Scuola di Giurisprudenza

Associate Professor




Private Law

Research Areas: Contract law and IT law, with particular attention to telematic contracts and the identification of protections for the weak contractor, not attributable to the legislative category of “consumer”, as well as the profile of the abuse of technological dependence, as a cause of contractual imbalance. The abuse of rights has been addressed also in relation to the regulation of obligations, with a focus on the conservation of the creditor’s patrimonial guarantee. Further research interests are testamentary succession and real rights, in particular the condominium of buildings.





Università di Ferrara, Italy

Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Ambiente e della Prevenzione

Associate Professor




Comparative private law


Research Areas: 1. Judicial discourse; 2. Judicial Stereotyping; 3. History of Private Law; 4. French Private Law.





Università di Ferrara, Italy

Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Ambiente e della Prevenzione

Full Professor




Agricultural Law

Research Areas: European Union agricultural law and Common Agricultural Policy, with a focus on incentive law and regulatory law. Regarding the latter, he has studied the market of agri-food products, the application of antitrust law and legislation to protect the different bargaining power of agricultural producers on one side and huge operators in the retail sector and food processing industry on the other. His current research revolves around the impact of agricultural activity on biodiversity and the environment, as the recent Green Deal strategy developed by the Von der Leyen Commission to support sustainable agriculture will lead to the adoption of new and numerous regulatory acts aimed at ensuring food security for European citizens while respecting the environment and non-renewable resources.




Hans Wolfgang

University of Helsinki, Finland

Faculty of Law





Economics Law

Research Areas: European Private Law, European Consumer Law, and regulatory aspects of sustainable development, with a focus on the legal aspects of circular economy. He is Finland Distinguished Professor of the Academy of Science at the Faculty of Law of the University of Helsinki. From 2007 to 2019 he was Professor at the Law Department of the European University Institute (EUI), Florence. Since 2015 he has been Head of the Advisory Board of the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition, Munich. Since 1994 he has been Head of the Institute of European and Consumer Law (VIEW), Bamberg. In 2010 he received an ERC Advanced Grant in “European Regulatory Private Law” (2011-2016). He is Co-Editor of the Journal of Consumer Policy.


III. Architecture, Urban Planning, Engineering – Macroarea

III.1. Architecture and Urban Planning




Università di Ferrara, Italy

Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Ambiente e della Prevenzione

Assistant Professor




Structural Mechanics

Research Areas: 1) Solid and Structural Mechanics; 2) Computational solid mechanics; 3) Numerical methods in engineering; 4) Mechanics of masonry structures; 5) Fracture mechanics; 6) Topology optimization; 7) Mechanics of metamaterials.





Università di Ferrara, Italy

Dipartimento di Architettura





Architectural Technology

Research Areas: 1) intervention guidelines for the recovery of historic villages or existing buildings’ stocks; 2) environmental monitoring campaign to promote innovative strategies and awareness in the construction field for the intervention on historic buildings both for private and public stakeholders.





Università di Ferrara, Italy

Dipartimento di Architettura

Full Professor




Architectural Technology

Research Areas: Interdisciplinary sustainable processes in architecture and the green built environment, especially at an energy-environmental level, aimed at mitigating climate change and saving non-renewable resources. Another interest is the refurbishment and sustainable retrofit of existing building heritage, especially homogeneous building stocks, urban aggregates, and outdoor spaces. He participated in the international Solar Decathlon Middle East competition (Dubai, 2018) in the field of the new construction research with the design and construction of an innovative and energy-self-sufficient building prototype. He is the Director of the “Architettura>Energia” Research Centre. He is also member of the Governing Council of the national Italian Society of Technology of Architecture (SITdA) and editor of scientific national and international journals. He is currently supervising the research project “HeLLo - Heritage energy Living Lab onsite”, MSCA (IF Standard), HORIZON 2020. Call: H2020-MSCA-IF-2017 (2018-2020) and is the Scientific Director of the national research “PRIN 2017” (funded 2019); project title: “TECH-START)”.





University of Auckland, New Zealand

School of Architecture and Planning





Architectural Technology

Research Areas: Sustainable conservation, retrofit and adaptation of existing and heritage buildings, regenerative design, post-occupancy evaluation (POE) and environmental sustainability assessment methods. She has collaborated with the Green Building Council of Italy since 2011 by leading the development of sustainability rating systems. This collaboration resulted in the development and publication of GBC Historic Building® (2015), the first rating tool assessing the level of sustainability of conservation-related interventions on historic and character buildings. She is involved in two research projects: “Bridging the gap between environmental sustainability and heritage conservation in New Zealand” (2017-2020) and “Learning from Trees: transforming timber culture in Aotearoa”, a design and fabrication project that will be exhibited at the 17th Venice Architecture Biennale, Italy.





University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates

Architectural Engineering

Assistant Professor




Architectural Technology

Research Areas: Environmental design, energy retrofit, renewable energy systems, and building-integrated energy technologies, with the specific objective of merging the gap between academia and industry through R&D and cooperation with the productive/construction sector. His latest activity has mostly shifted to new construction, from the architectural scale to the detail of building-integrated systems, aiming for the improvement and marketability of green building technologies in cooperation with local and international industrial partners. The management and coordination of the projects participating to the Solar Decathlon Middle East 2018 and 2020 have enhanced the networking and partnership with numerous industrial partners and fostered several macro- and micro-research. Comprehensive feasibility studies have resulted in guidelines for the energy/environmental refurbishment, upgrade, and valorisation of existing and heritage buildings with a focus on extensive mapping of the UAE educational buildings and of traditional Emiratis remote villages.





Università di Ferrara, Italy

Dipartimento di Architettura

Associate Professor




Industrial Design

Research Areas: 1. ERC_SH5_4 Visual and performing arts, film, design and architecture; 2. ERC_SH5_6 History of art and architecture, arts-based research; 3. ERC_SH5_7 Museums, exhibitions, conservation and restoration; 4. ERC_SH5_8 Cultural studies, cultural identities and memories, cultural heritage; 5. ERC_PE8_10 Manufacturing engineering and industrial design; 6. ERC_PE8_11 Environmental engineering, e.g. sustainable design, waste and water treatment, recycling, regeneration or recovery of compounds, carbon capture & storage.





Università di Ferrara, Italy

Dipartimento di Architettura

Associate Professor





Research Areas: 1) advanced survey of the archaeological and monumental heritage (laser scanner, digital photogrammetry); 2) critical reading of survey data (genesis of shape, proportions, units of measurement, orientations); 3) surveys in the field of archeoastronomy; 4) architectural drawing as a planning and communication tool; 5) multimedia communication of complex and stratified knowledge according to the sequence: survey, model, digital musealisation; 6) history of scientific and iconographic representation (perspective and geometry for cultural astronomy).





Università di Ferrara, Italy

Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Ambiente e della Prevenzione

Full Professor




Urban and Regional Planning

Research Areas: City planning and management, regeneration and urban creativity, policies and tools for sustainability, smart and circular cities, and territories.





GBC - Green Building Council, Italy

Comitato direttivo





Urban and Landscape Planning

Research Areas: Green buildings and products, urban regeneration, sustainable communities. A lifelong sustainability advocate with over 20 years of experience in buildings and products, green rating tools and process certification schemes. He has led multinational firms, worked on the definition of the main assessment schemes for sustainable construction and urban regeneration, and taken part in the regionalization process of LEED - Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design protocols for Italy and Europe. Since 2012 he has contributed to the definition of the main national green building rating systems, such as GBC Home (residential and hotel buildings), GBC Quartieri (design and regeneration of neighbourhoods), GBC Condomini (refurbishment of condominiums), GBC Historic Building (restoration of heritage buildings), ARCA (new wooden buildings). Since 2014 he has taken part in the development and launch of the first international platform dedicated to Sustainable Projects, People and Products ( Since 2016 he has worked with the Italian Ministry of the Environment on the definition of the minimum environmental criteria for buildings and roads, related to Green Public Procurement (GPP).


III.2. Engineering




Università di Ferrara, Italy

Dipartimento di Ingegneria

Associate Professor




Fluid Machinery

Research Areas: His activity in the field of Fluid Machinery mainly deals with the development of techniques for the numerical estimation of turbine and compressor behaviour in deteriorated conditions, the development of a small-scale compressor test rig for the analysis of transient behaviour, water and dust ingestion, stall, and surge conditions of small-scale compressors. He is also involved in Energy and Environment related issues such as the study of innovative energy systems in micro-cogeneration applications, with particular attention to waste heat utilisation in ORC systems, and the study of the utilisation of biomass to produce syngas.





Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana - Medellín, Colombia

Facultad de Ingeniería industrial





Business and Management Engineering

Research Areas: 1. Industrial Engineering; 2. Complexity Science; 3. Multimodality of Urban Mobility; 4. Social Segregation in Urban Spaces.


IV. Life, Chemical and Biomedical Sciences – Macroarea

IV.1. Life Sciences




MUSE - Museo delle Scienze, Trento, Italy

Research and Collections Office

Deputy Director




Paleontology and Paleoecology

Research Areas: Mass extinction in the past; preservation and enhancement of paleontological heritage and cultural heritage; the concept of Anthropocene in a multidisciplinary perspective; scientific museology. Since 2013 he has been palaeontology curator at MUSE - Science Museum in Trento,; since 2017 he has been Head of the Research and Collections area. He has worked on narratives, perceptions, and factual data regarding the great ecosystem crises such as extinctions in the geological past and in the present, exploring synergies between conservation paleobiology, the philosophy of the Anthropocene, and science communication. He is currently investigating megatrends and global-scale transformations in both anthropic and non-anthropic systems, as well as communication strategies, participative projects and object-based museography.




Heidi Christine

Fondazione Edmund MACH, Italy

Research and Innovation Centre, Conservation Genomics Unit

Senior Researcher





Research Areas: She leads the Conservation Genetics Research Unit at the Department of Biodiversity and Molecular Ecology, FEM - Fondazione Edmund Mach in Trento, The main goal of this research group is to provide the scientific basis for interventions aimed at halting animal population decline. More specifically, we investigate the role of genomic diversity in population dynamics of charismatic alpine vertebrates, microbiota in the conservation status of endangered species, and hybrid zones in speciation. FEM also develops and applies genomic and metagenomic tools to specific animal conservation issues, from amphibians and fish to game birds and large carnivores and is particularly specialized in the analysis of non-invasive samples, such as feathers and faecal pellets, with dedicated laboratories for the analysis of modern, environmental, and ancient animal DNA. Her active international collaborations include the Univs of Bolzano, Cardiff, Cornell, Ferrara, Helsinki, Jyväskylä, Innsbruck, Pavia, Piacenza, and Pisa, as well many parks and government offices.





Università di Ferrara, Italy

Scienze della Vita e Biotecnologie

Research Fellow





Research Areas: 1) behavioural ecology; 2) population dynamics of large herbivores; 3) spatial behaviour and habitat use of wild ungulates.





Università di Salerno, Italy

Scienze della Vita e Biotecnologie

Associate Professor




Comparative anatomy and cytology



Research Areas: 1) transcriptomics and epigenomics of marine mammals: application of cellular and molecular methods to assess the effects of environmental stressors on the marine ecosystem. The main goal of the project is the establishment of the challenges endured by apex predators in the Mediterranean (marine mammals in particular), but also by the inhabitants of the coastal areas, which are exposed, to a less degree, to the same contaminants. Transcriptomic and epigenome analysis of selected tissues are employed to develop gene biomarkers of exposure to selected contaminants whilst assessing the health status of marine organisms. 2) immunobiology of immune system of polar vertebrates. The main goal of the project is to gain insight on how the immune system of teleosts adapts to cold through molecular and cellular approaches.





Università di Ferrara, Italy

Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche, Farmaceutiche ed Agrarie

Full Professor





Research Areas: Plastic pollution at sea and aquaculture at the Delta of the Po River. As regards the first area, he studies methods for the separation and recognition of micro and nano plastics in environmental and biological matrices, monitors plastics in continental, marine-coastal and offshore water bodies (water column and sediments), and studies the accumulation of micro and nano plastics in the marine trophic network (invertebrates and vertebrates) with a focus on species of commercial interest. As regards the second area, he works on the optimization of mollusc aquaculture production and reduction of waste in a circular economy perspective; on innovative strategies for the recovery of waste in aquaculture; on the environmental footprint of aquaculture products and activities.





Università di Ferrara, Italy

Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche, Farmaceutiche ed Agrarie

Associate Professor





Research Areas: Biodiversity and aliens and long-term ecological research. As regards the first area, activities concern the implementation of knowledge related to the composition of benthic invertebrate communities in aquatic environments; the analysis of the presence and spread of alien species as well as their effect on indigenous biodiversity, especially in transition environments and commercial and tourist ports in the northern Adriatic Sea. As regards the second area, long-term ecological research is fundamental to understand patterns and processes underlying aquatic ecosystem dynamics: coastal lagoons are also considered to be one of the most vulnerable marine environments in the face of climate change and its effects, in particular large-scale impacts, such as increased temperatures, storminess, and changes in sediment dynamics. The aim is thus to provide information on ecological responses in transitional ecosystems.




Jorge Sans

Università di Ferrara, Italy

Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Ambiente e della Prevenzione

Assistant Professor




Experimental Biology

Research Areas: Research interests focus on the advancement of cell therapy. Innovative methods of cell culture and analysis include new bioreactors to culture cell aggregates as 3D spheroids and more organ-like structures. Recent developments in nanotechnology and smart biomaterials can greatly enhance our understanding of cell biology. For example, the novel material graphene has electrochemical and optical properties suited to the design of new biosensors. Advances in analytical technologies improve the measurement of cell functions to support Potency Assays, a specific measure that tests a functional attribute concerning a product's ability to mediate a clinical effect. This represents a fundamental requirement; no cell-based therapeutic product can be released by a BioPharma manufacturer without completion of an approved Potency assay, independently assessed by regulatory authorities. Through improved understanding of the molecular mechanisms and critical quality attributes underlying cell-based regenerative medicine, advanced therapy medicinal products seek improved wellbeing by addressing previously unmet medical needs.





Università di Ferrara, Italy

Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita e Biotecnologie

Associate Professor





Research Areas: He is a population geneticist interested in the evolution and conservation of several species (e.g., Apennine brown bear, Hermann’s tortoise, the yellow-bellied toad). With his Population Genetics and Genomics group,, he explores the patterns of genomic variation to reconstruct demographic and selection processes, with a focus on the impact (e.g., genetic load, genetic fragmentation, evolution of new traits) of recent human activities (e.g., habitat degradation, overhunting, domestication). He is interested in the application of population genomics analyses to help planning more responsible and efficient strategies to prevent biodiversity loss and to foster environmentally sustainable development.





École Pratique des Hautes Études, France

Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle

Maître de Conferences





Research Areas: Theoretical and empirical population genetics, conservation genetics, evolution of sharks and bony fishes, connectivity in the Indo-Pacific, and urbanization. The common theme linking these fields is the reconstruction of the demographic history of populations and species in space and time. His focus is on the properties and limits of inferential framework currently used in population genetics, particularly when spatial structure is present. This is crucial to interpret the observed demographic variation in response to climate changes and/or human modification of the environment, with practical consequences on the management of (threatened) species. Two research topics particularly relevant to the PhD programme are: 1) The study of the behaviour of extant species in the next future, based on the variation of genetic diversity through time 2) The use of sequencing approaches to detect and quantify the genomic footprints left by species adapted to live in sympatry with humans in urban environments.


IV.2. Chemical Sciences

IV.3. Biomedical Sciences




King's College London, United Kingdom

Centre for the Humanities and Health





Internal Medicine

Research Areas: Strong interdisciplinary orientations stemming from interests in philosophy, law, and the history of ideas as well as in clinical medicine. His research in medical humanities has produced empirical studies of the sources of ethical perplexity experienced by clinicians; the value of oaths, codes of conduct, the ethical case history in medical education, patients’ attitudes to whole body donation; GPs’ reactions to their ever-growing list of dead patients; the role of narrative thinking in medical practice. His study of medico-legal issues has focused on defining the legal status of clinical guidelines and medical advisory statements (by analysis of evolving UK case law in medical negligence actions), medical error, medico-legal issues in primary health care. Evaluating new and effective care strategies in general practice, he has been a lead researcher on randomised controlled trials, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses. He has directed cross-disciplinary research in the Medical Humanities within the Centre for the Humanities and Health at King’s College London.





Università di Ferrara, Italy

Dipartimento di Neuroscienze e Riabilitazione

Full Professor




Methods and Teaching of Motor Activities

Research Areas: Exercise Physiology; Exercise Testing in health- and performance-related fitness domains; Epidemiology and cardiovascular health profile; Promotion and long-term adherence to behavioural change among individuals and communities. He has developed and validated protocols for exercise testing and prescription in the prevention and treatment of non-communicable, mainly cardiovascular chronic diseases, but also in chronic degenerative neurological disorders as well as colon cancer. Knowledge and skills acquired during the scientific activity have been transferred to programmes of public health in the promotion of active lifestyle for persons with non-communicable chronic diseases.




Università di Ferrara, Italy

Dipartimento di Neuroscienze e Riabilitazione

Full Professor




Methods and Teaching of Motor Activities

Research Areas: Development of original and effective programmes of physical activity and exercise to improve health and wellbeing, social participation, and autonomy of healthy or sick people. In particular: 1. Development of sustainable interventions with exercise, to overcome hypomobility, disability, social isolation, risk of amputation of a limb and death in frail or sick subjects; 2. Identification of circulating or technological biomarkers useful for exercise prescription and evaluation of the physiological effects. Research is based on the application of sustainable doses of physical exercise, the identification of circulating or technological biomarkers to personalize the interventions and evaluate or predict the effects, the study and application of devices facilitating adaptive responses. Outcomes concern life quality, psychological status, functional capacity, reduction of disability, better or greater survival. Students will participate in: 1. qualitative studies on preferences and barriers (physical, cultural, linguistic, gender-related) to physical activity; 2. studies of physical activity and the environment (home, hospital, community, nature, virtual reality); 3. design and validation of questionnaires, devices or multimedia tools; 4. analysis of cost-effectiveness of interventions.





Università di Ferrara, Italy

Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Ambiente e della Prevenzione

Assistant Professor




Methods and Teaching of Motor Activities

Research Areas: My research interests are devoted to vein hemodynamics applied to musculoskeletal system. Adapted physical activity for venous and lymphatic patients both in water and dry-land setting. She is currently collaborating with the Department of Physics at University of Ferrara with the aim to understand which laws of physics support our theories and which assessment strategies should be used in their analyses. She is also interested in highlighting the impacts of physical activities on lifestyle, quality of life and wellbeing in cardiovascular adult patients, as well as in healthy, older adults.





Università di Ferrara, Italy

Dipartimento di Neuroscienze e Riabilitazione

Assistant Professor




Methods and Teaching of Motor Activities

Research Areas: Development of original and effective programmes of physical activity and exercise to improve health and wellbeing, social participation, and autonomy of both healthy and sick people. In particular: Evaluation of effectiveness (functioning, quality of life, clinical outcomes) and cost-effectiveness of the interventions in special populations. Creation, testing and validation of new solutions in terms of training tools and machines for frail populations.





Università di Ferrara, Italy

Dipartimento di Neuroscienze e Riabilitazione

Assistant Professor




Methods and Teaching of Motor Activities

Research Areas: Design and management of tailored exercise programs for the healthy population as well as people with noncommunicable disease aims to maintain or enhance physical and mental wellbeing. In order to develop and evaluate new and effective public health efforts to increase physical activity levels in the general population of all ages, she conducts research on exercise reactions and their impact on adopting exercise behavior. Other macro-areas like urban planning, social sciences, economics, and psychology are closely related to this field of study. The research activity also aspires to improve awareness and comprehension of the numerous advantages of regular physical exercise, according to ability and at all ages, as a way to promote good social behaviour and a paradigm shift across society. Additional research being conducted on the social, cultural, economic, and environmental aspects that can aid in the reduction of inequities in physical and sports activity for individuals with disabilities.





Università di Ferrara, Italy

Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche e Chirurgico Specialistiche

Associate Professor




Methods and Teaching of Motor Activities

Research Areas: Relationship between physical inactivity and non-transmissible (metabolic, cardiovascular, and neoplastic) diseases. He has directed projects of medical assistance (including physical activity) for patients with diabetes, obesity, hypertension and reduced cardiovascular function. These projects have been included in the health programmes of the Emilia-Romagna Region. He has been the coordinator of physiological training programmes and medical assistance for athletes at international level (especially canoeists). He is a member of the Technical Committee of the Italian Ministry of Health.





Università di Ferrara, Italy

Dipartimento di Neuroscienze e Riabilitazione

Associate Professor




Methods and Teaching of Sports Activities

Research Areas: Relationships between anthropometric characteristics and physical activity at different ages (childhood, adolescence, and adulthood); body composition assessment and body image perception; weight status, fat status and healthy lifestyle; relationship between sports performance and anthropometry; anthropometry, physical activity and immigrant status; application of video analysis to analyse and improve sports performance; correlation between kinanthropometric values and sport performance.





Le attività formative prevedono collaborazioni di ricerca con istituzioni nazionali e internazionali che partecipano al programma di dottorato: Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale - ISPRA; Fondazione Edmund Mach - FEM; TECNALIA Research and Innovation; Centre for the Humanities and Health - CHH, King’s College London; Katholieke Universiteit Leuven; Pontificia Universidade Católica de Chile a Santiago e Villarrica - PUC; Pontifìcia Universidade Católica do Paraná a Curitiba, Brasile - PUCPR.

La ricerca su teorie, policies e buone pratiche di sostenibilità è alla base del Joint PhD con la WSU. I rapporti si sono sviluppati nell’ambito della Rete universitaria Routes towards Sustainability,, fondata nel 2012, coordinata da UniFe e costituita da atenei di quattro continenti per promuovere ricerca e didattica innovativa su temi di sostenibilità ambientale, economica, sociale e culturale.

L’Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale – ISPRA partecipa alla formazione degli studenti offrendo metodi e strumenti scientifici, tecnologici e culturali per monitorare fonti e fattori di inquinamento, aumentare la tutela della salute, acquisire competenze in diritto ed economia ambientale.

La Fondazione Edmund Mach – FEM dà agli studenti la possibilità di utilizzare i laboratori per la caratterizzazione della biodiversità genomica e delle competenze dei ricercatori FEM nei campi dell’ecologia molecolare, ecosistemi sostenibili e qualità alimentare.

TECNALIA Research and Innovation, con sedi a Bilbao e Valencia, partecipa al progetto Horizon 2020, gestito dal Dipartimento di Economia e Management, e alla relativa rete - Innovation for Sustainable Development Network, Nelle sedi spagnole gli studenti potranno svolgere periodi di ricerca sulla green e circular economy, il design e le analisi delle innovazioni ambientali in contesti regionali.

La collaborazione con il Centre for the Humanities and Health – CHH diretto dal Prof. Brian Hurwitz presso il King’s College a Londra è nata nel 2006 all’interno del Socrates-Erasmus European Thematic Network Interfacing Science, Literature and the Humanities. Gli studenti potranno svolgere ricerca presso il CHH, la cui autorevolezza nel campo delle Medical Humanities ha acquisito da anni risonanza internazionale.

La Katholieke Universiteit Leuven ospita il gruppo di ricerca sulla Consumer Protection in a Circular Economy, coordinato dalla Prof. Evelyne Terryn e formato da economisti, ingegneri, filosofi e giuristi. Gli studenti potranno svolgere periodi di ricerca interdisciplinare sull’economia circolare nei procedimenti produttivi e nell’utilizzo delle risorse.

La collaborazione con la Pontificia Universidade Católica de Chile a Santiago e Villarrica – PUC e con la Pontifìcia Universidade Católica do Paraná a Curitiba, Brasile – PUCPR nasce nel 2012, con la fondazione della Rete universitaria Routes towards Sustainability. Gli studenti potranno partecipare a gruppi di ricerca su forme di sostenibilità locale e territoriale presso la PUC e su architettura e design sostenibile presso la PUCPR.


Tematiche di ricerca

Il tema centrale è la sostenibilità intesa come insieme complesso fondato sull’interdipendenza fra gli ecosistemi naturali e antropici e il benessere materiale e immateriale degli organismi che li abitano. La sostenibilità ambientale e il benessere aggregano discipline dell’antichità e letterarie, sociali, economiche, statistiche, giuridiche; biologiche, chimiche, mediche, della pianificazione e dell’ingegneria. La sinergia delle discipline sostiene metodologie innovative volte alla formazione di competenze culturali e scientifiche necessarie a comprendere che la gestione e il rinnovamento delle risorse naturali e dei patrimoni culturali è in stretta interdipendenza con la qualità della vita e la promozione della salute.

La sostenibilità dell’ambiente in rapporto al benessere presenta una articolazione tematica complessa che interseca vari settori ERC:

Scienze sociali e umanistiche

SH1 Individui, istituzioni e mercati: economia, finanza e gestione

SH2 Istituzioni, valori, credenze e comportamenti: sociologia, antropologia sociale, scienze politiche, diritto, comunicazione, studi sociali della scienza e della tecnologia

SH3 Ambiente, spazio e popolazione: studi ambientali, geografia, demografia, migrazioni, studi regionali e urbani

SH4 La mente umana e la sua complessità: scienze cognitive, psicologia, linguistica, educazione

SH5 Culture e produzione culturale: letteratura e filosofia, arti visiva e dello spettacolo, musica, studi culturali e comparativi

SH6 Lo studio del passato umano: archeologia, storia e memoria
Matematica, scienze fisiche, informazione e comunicazione, ingegneria, scienze della terra e dell'universo

Scienze fisiche e ingegneria

PE4 Scienze chimiche fisiche e analitiche: chimica analitica, teoria chimica, chimica fisica / fisica chimica

PE8 Ingegneria dei prodotti e dei processi: design dei prodotti, design e controllo dei processi, metodi di costruzione, ingegneria civile, sistemi energetici, ingegneria dei materiali

PE10 Scienza sistemica: geografia fisica, geologia, geofisica, meteorologia, oceanografia, climatologia, ecologia, cambiamenti ambientali globali, cicli biogeochimici, gestione delle risorse naturali

Scienze della vita

LS2 Genetica, genomica, bioinformatica e biologia dei sistemi: genetica molecolare e delle popolazioni, genomica, trascrittomica, proteomica, metabolomica, bioinformatica, biologia computazionale, biostatistica, modellazione e la simulazione biologica, biologia dei sistemi, epidemiologia genetica

LS6 Immunità e infezione: immunobiologia, eziologia dei disturbi immunitari, microbiologia, virologia, parassitologia, malattie infettive globali e di altro tipo, dinamica della popolazione delle malattie infettive, medicina veterinaria

LS7 Strumenti diagnostici, terapie e salute pubblica: eziologia, diagnosi e cura della malattia, salute pubblica, epidemiologia, farmacologia, medicina clinica, medicina rigenerativa, etica medica

LS8 Biologia evolutiva, delle popolazioni e ambientale: evoluzione, ecologia, comportamento animale, biologia della popolazione, biodiversità, biogeografia, biologia marina, eco-tossicologia, citologia