To All PhD Students in Physics
Dear All,
Prof. Alberto Quaranta
University of Trento and President of the INFN V National Scientific Commission
will be in Ferrara at the Department of Physics and Earth Sciences on
March 18 and 19, 2024
to give the Course
Optical Properties of Nanomaterials
The purpose of the course is to describe how the response of materials and nanomaterials to electromagnetic radiation is connected to their structure and composition, and how optical analyses can be used to obtain information in this regard on the studied samples. The interaction between UV, visible, and infrared radiation and materials will be presented using a semi-classical approach. The main techniques for analyzing optical properties will be discussed. Additionally, some spectroscopic techniques such as photoluminescence, infrared absorption, and Raman spectroscopy will be introduced. In the final part of the course, articles discussing applications of interest to students will be addressed.
Students interested in taking the course are kindly requested to contact the instructor in advance by e-mail (, informing him of their specific research interests related to the optical and spectroscopic properties of materials.