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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Primo Semestre

Training objectives

During the course students will acquire a competence of the fundamentals of author's philology (methods, basic techniques of the discipline) and the history of Italian literature of XVIII century until the unification of Italy.


a fine knowledge of Italian language

Course programme

The course is divided into two parts: the first one, that the student will self-study, devoted to the anthological reading of the masterpieces of Italian literature after the 17th century until the unification of Italy: Goldoni, Parini, Beccaria and Verri, Alfieri, Foscolo, Manzoni.
The second one, in the class with the teacher, devoted to Leopardi’s Canti and Operette morali as poetry books developed during the passing of time, with notions of author's philology and "critica delle varianti".
Leopardi’s Operette morali: Storia del genere umano, Elogio degli uccelli, Cantico del gallo silvestre and Dialogo di Federico Ruysh e delle sue mummie, Dialogo della natura e di un islandese, Plotino e Porfirio, Tristano e di un amico.
Leopardi’s Canti: Bruto Minore, Passero solitario, La sera del dì di festa, Alla luna, Quiete dopo la tempesta and Sabato del villaggio, A se stesso, Sopra il ritratto di una bella donna..., il Tramonto della luna, with the texts on google drive ("Filologia moderna 2017-2018") related to the Canti.
General part: the poetics of any author and all the texts of Parini, Goldoni, Beccaria and Verri, Alfieri, Foscolo, Manzoni in the manual.

Didactic methods

Frontal lessons. Analysis and reading of texts with author's variants.
Lessons recording for all students, also for those not attending the course (FAD)

Learning assessment procedures

Oral questions on the topics covered of both parts general and monographic, as many as necessary to verify the level of student learning (from simple memorization of data to more valuable use of concepts learned).

Reference texts

Letteratura italiana. Manuale per studi universitari, vol. 2 Da Tasso a fine Ottocento, a cura di G. Alfano, P. Italia, E. Russo, Milano, Mondadori, 2018n Chapters related to Goldoni, Beccaria and Verri, Parini, Alfieri and neoclassicismo, Foscolo, Manzoni and Leopardi)
Leopardi, Canti, edited by Andrea Campana, Carocci, 2014
Leopardi, Operette morali, edited by Laura Melosi, Milano Bur-Rizzoli, 2008, 2011, etc.
P. Italia, G. Raboni, Che cos’è la filologia d’autore, Roma, Carocci, 2010.
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