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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Primo Semestre

Training objectives

The course will be divided into two modules.
The first one aims at building solid theoretical and methodological skills for the study of greek historiography. Passages from the works of Herodotus and Thucydides will be selected in order to outline how they revise the mythical past and the protohistory of Greece and of the surrounding populations.
The second module will be dedicated to the lexicography of the imperial age and to its importance in order to know lost passages of ancient comedy.


Knowledge of ancient Greek.

Course programme

- Translation, linguistic analysis and literary and philological commentary of some passages selected from the works of Herodotus (books 1, 4 and 5) and of Thucydides (book 1).
- Translation, linguistic and philological analysis of some lemma from Aelius Dionysious and Pausanias.

Didactic methods

Translation exercises.
Traditional lectures and discussion.
All lessons will be recorded and available.

Learning assessment procedures

The final oral exam consists of an interview aimed at verifying both acquired knowledge and skills in translating, commenting and analyzing Greek texts.
Literary history questions of the classical and imperial ages.

Reference texts

1. Reference texts
- Herodoti Historiae, ed. Hude C., oxford University Press 1927
- Tucidide, Le Storie, G. Donini (a cura di), Torino Utet 2005.5.
- H. Erbse, Untersuchungen zu den attizistischen Lexika, 'Abhandlungen der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Philosophisch-Historische Klasse' 2, Berlin 1950.

2. Required texts:
- Canfora L., La storiografia greca, Milano Bruno Mondadori Editore, 1999.
- Cassio A.C. (a cura di), Storia delle lingue letterarie greche, Firenze, Le Monnier 2008 (capp. 9, 10 e 11).
- Degani E., «La lessicografia» in Lo Spazio Letterario della Grecia Antica, II L'attualizzazione del testo, Cambiano G., Canfora L., Lanza D. (ed.), Roma Salerno Editrice 1995, pp. 505-527.
-Dickey E., Ancient greek Scholarship, Oxford University Press 2000, pp. 87-107.

3. The chapters focusing on classical literature and on the literature of the imperial age from one of the following handbooks:
Guidorizzi G., Letteratura greca. Da Omero al secolo VI d.C., Milano, Mondadori 2019; Porro A.-Lapini W., Letteratura greca, Bologna, Il Mulino 2017; Montana F.- Montanari F., Storia della letteratura greca. Dalle origini all'età imperiale, Roma-Bari, Laterza 2010.
And additionally the chapters focusing on classic literature from Canfora L., Storia della letteratura greca, nuova ed. ampliata, Roma-Bari Laterza 2013.

4. Further readings:
- Aloni A, La lingua dei Greci, Roma 2011.
- Cantore R., Per la storia del testo di Erodoto. Studi sulla famiglia romana, Bologna Pàtron editore Eikasmos (Studi 22) 2013.
- Dorati T., Le storie di Erodoto: etnografia e racconto, Pisa - Roma 2000.
- Scialunga M., Introduzione allo studio della filologia classica, Alessandria 2003