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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

Knowledge of the chronological layout of Latin literature, the features and developments of the literary genres targeted, including direct reading of a selection of texts in Latin (according to the didactic path, as specified below, at the point C of the Contents); deep analysis of cultural movements and personalities of Latin literature. Latin pronunciation and accent, also from an historical perspective.


Knowledge of the fundamentals of Latin language and the main historical-chronological features of the ancient world.

Course programme

A) Literary history of Rome.
History of literature from its origins to the II cent. AD.
B) LATIN CLASSES IN THE FIRST SEMESTER (PROF. CAZZOLA AND PROF. DIODATO). Preliminary study to the Latin. Pronunciation, accent; the metrical reading of the hexameter and elegiac distich of the treated passages is required (section C).
C) The literary space in Rome: birth and development of prose and poetry genres between the Republican age and the first century of the Empire.
Contextualization, reading (metric, where necessary: hexameter and elegiac couplet), linguistic analysis and translation of representative texts which, from the archaic to the late imperial period, concern the birth and evolution of the literary system in Rome, in its articulation into genres , in recognition of the paradigmatic role of the auctores and in the link with the literary book, its production and its circulation.
Grammatical and syntactic analysis is required, according to the indications given by the teacher in class and will be indicated in the teaching materials uploaded on the teacher's page.
The course will take place in parallel with the discussion of literature and includes the reading of passages from the most important authors in Latin literature. These pieces will be shown in class and uploaded to online teaching materials.

Didactic methods

Frontal teaching, with the possibility of involving the students in seminar activities.
Videorecording of the lessons is active (Classroom file code: mldxwel). Lessons will start on 27 February 2023; they are scheduled on Mondays and Tuesdays from 5 p.m. to 6.45 p.m., classroom A9, Via Adelardi. There will also be three metrics seminar lectures by Prof. Claudio Cazzola, on Mondays 13, 20 and 27 March from 3 p.m. to 4.45 p.m., in room AP1 in Via Adelardi. Tutoring by Dr. Adriano De Simone is scheduled every Friday from 3 March, from 3.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m., in Classroom B, Via del Paradiso. Didactic files at ('Lavori del corso', 'cartella drive del corso':
Not-attending students must contact the teacher as soon as possible.
NB: propaedeutic lessons ('Elementary Latin') are held in the 1st semester (prof. C. Cazzola)

Learning assessment procedures

Oral exam: questions on the schedule, until a complete verification of student's skills and knowledge is reached. Questions are about Latin language and the history of Latin literature; reading, analysis and translation of some passages from the Latin texts included in the programme.

Reference texts

Recommended handbooks (A and B texts are to be bought by the students, C texts are handed out by the professor).
A) A. Cavarzere, A. De Vivo, P. Mastandrea, Letteratura latina. Una sintesi storica, Roma, Carocci, Nuova ed. 2015 o terza ristampa 2017 (volume unico), OR G.B. Conte, Letteratura latina (I. Dall’alta repubblica all’età di Augusto; II. L’età imperiale), Firenze, Le Monnier, 2012 distribuito da Mondadori Education o edd. precc., OR G. Garbarino, Letteratura latina, Torino, Paravia, 1982 (vol. unico) e successive ristampe e aggiornamenti; P. Fedeli, Storia letteraria di Roma, Napoli, Ferraro editore, 2004.

B) A.Traina - G. Bernardi Perini, Propedeutica al latino universitario, 6a ed. a c. di C. Marangoni, rist. a c. di A. Traina e B. Pieri, Pàtron, Bologna 2007, capp. II-III; cap. VII (Metrica).

C) Online material:
- Texts read and commented (in two pdf files); synoptic table of the events of literary history and social history of Rome (in a pdf file) Didactic files at ('Lavori del corso', 'cartella drive del corso':