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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Primo Semestre

Training objectives

This course has the purpose to give - through a lab activity - the basic knowledge - of the Medieval History and its building. It aims to provide the following objectives:
- how to know basic element of Medieval History, starting from the idea / meaning of the Middle Ages (its origins, evolutions and uses) and from the types of primary sources used to re-create this period;
- how to learn and build the peculiar political, social, economic, religious and environmental characteristics of this historical period;
- how to know and use sources for writing (and talking about) medieval history ;
- how to describe with presentation tools, and appropriate and clear language, events and structures of medieval societies.



Course programme

Building of some aspects of the History of the European Medieval Societies (their people, and cultures), from V to XV century, with regard to the life of people, known and unknown, during these centuries.

Didactic methods

Lab activity, cooperative learning and flipped classroom, using Google Education/Scholar (classroom, etc.), interactive materials, creative games...

Learning assessment procedures

For whom that will partecipate to the classroom activities the final evaluation will be the result of every performed tasks that will be assigned, and concerning the exposition of a particular topic related to the medieval history (the topic must be communicated in advance to the teacher).
For whom who will not be able to attend classroom and lessons, the final exam will be an oral examination based on one of the two volumes suggested.

Reference texts

Piccinni G., I mille anni del Medioevo, Pearson, 2018.

Zorzi A., Manuale di storia medievale, Utet, 2021 (or previous edition).