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Academic year and teacher
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Academic year
Didactic period
Primo Semestre

Training objectives

Studentes will widen their knowledge of Spanish Medieval Literature, from its origins to the 16th Century. This will allow, on the one hand, to catch the metric and literary aspects of the historical period that precedes the Siglos de Oro; on the other, to appreciate the linguistic phenomena of a period so crucial for the for the formation of the Castilian language.


Having an adequate linguistic knowledge of Spanish which allows the reading of Medieval and Renaissance texts, as well as of all the texts provided in the bibliography, that includes documents related to the referred period, poetical and prose texts, essays written in Spanish.

Course programme

An overview of the works that marked the birth and development of Spanish literature until the advent of the Italian models and the Lazarillo. The first part of the course will be devoted to the study of these examples, with particular reference to the traditions of clerecia and juglaria, the epic tradition (Cid), the cancioneriles poets, until the first known authors, such as Gonzalo de Berceo, Juan Ruiz, Juan Manuel, Jorge Manrique, the Marquis of Santillana, Juan de Mena, Juan Boscan, Garcilaso de la Vega.
The second part regards the direct study of the Lazarillo, first example of picaresque literature.

Didactic methods

Lectures and seminars. Thirty hours will be devoted to the history of Spanish Literature, while the seminar about the "Lazarillo" will last 15 hours.

Learning assessment procedures

Oral examination. The student must demonstrate the ability to translate and comment the texts analyzed in class and to answer general questions about the history of Spanish literature (generally, 3 or 4 questions).

Reference texts

- Manuale: Carlos Alvar, José-Carlos Mainer, Rosa Navarro, Storia della Letteratura spagnola. Vol. I: Il medioevo e l'Età d'oro, Torino, Einaudi, 2000.
- Antologia della letteratura spagnola. Vol. I: Dalle origini al Quattrocento a cura di Giovanni Caravaggi e Alfonso D'Agostino, Milano, LED, 1996: I. Testi arcaici, II. Khargat, IV. Poesia epica, V. Romanzi in "Cuaderna via", VI. Gonzalo de Berceo, VIII. Juan Ruiz. Arcipreste de Hita, XI. Alfonso el Sabio, XIII. Don Juan Manuel, XVI. Juan de Mena, XVII. I. Lopez de Mendoza, "Marqués de Santillana", XIX. Poesia morale, allegorica, religiosa.
- Antologia della letteratura spagnola. Vol. II: VI. Petrarchismo e antipetrarchismo, pp. 195-214; VII. Poeti ascetici e mistici, pp. 244-255.
- La vida de Lazarillo de Tormes..., ed. de A. Ruffinatto, Madrid: Castalia, 2001.

- Fernando de Rojas, La Celestina, edición y estudio de Francisco J. Lobera et al., Barcelona, Crítica, 2000.