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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Annualità Singola

Training objectives

To achieve a Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) B1 level in Spanish language, developing written and oral comprehension and production skills through the analysis of morpho-syntactic and lexical structures of Spanish. At the end of the course, the student will be able to understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered at home, school, leisure; he can also deal with most situations likely to arise while travelling in a Spanish-speaking area. He can produce simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest and is able to describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes and ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.



Course programme

The course will cover the contents of the manual Sueña 1 and the two “dispensa” used during the second semester. It will deepen spelling, morphological, syntactical and lexical aspects of Spanish language both theoretically and practically. The theoretical part, held by the teacher, will analyze the language systematically in its phonetic and intonational, morpho-syntactic and lexical aspects; particular attention will be devoted to Spanish-Italian contrastive elements. The practical part, taught by native speakers, will aim to practice oral comprehension and expression skills and written comprehension and expression skills, through dictations, written compositions, reading texts and conversation.

Didactic methods

The course includes lectures with student participation and exercises. The theoretical course will be dedicated to Spanish-Italian contrastive aspects (10 hours) and to the study of the grammatical structures of the Spanish language (20 hours). The lessons of the mother-tongue teachers will deepen the reading and understanding of texts, writing, oral comprehension and expression and translation in homogeneous proficiency groups.

Learning assessment procedures

The examination will be held as follows:
a) A final examination in an official date, consisting of a written test and an oral exam. Non-attending students can ONLY choose this type of assessment.
The written test consists of various grammar exercises, dictation, a written composition and a few sentences to translate from Italian to Spanish. This assessment will be about ALL the contents of the manual Sueña 1 and the “dispense” provided by the teacher in the second semester. The written composition will have a minimum length of 150 words and must respect the subject required; the morphological and spelling correction, the use of grammatical structures studied during the course and the consistency and cohesion of the text will be evaluated in this part. The use of vocabulary is forbidden. The online registration for the examination is mandatory. Those who have difficulties in registration must contact the teacher as soon as possible.

b) Two partial tests at the end of each semester (generally in mid-December and the end of May, the dates will be communicated as soon as possible). ONLY attending student can take this type of assessment.
The contents of each part correspond to the grammatical topics studied in the corresponding semester: the first part consists of various grammatical exercises, dictation and a written composition with a minimum length of 150 words; the second part consists of various grammar exercises, dictation, a written composition and a few sentences to translate from Italian to Spanish.
The written composition will have a minimum length of 150 words and must respect the subject required; the morphological and spelling correction, the use of grammatical structures studied during the course and the consistency and cohesion of the text will be evaluated in this part. The use of vocabulary is forbidden.
In order to access the oral examination, the students must pass both partial tests; if they don’t pass one of the two partials, they will take the final exam. Those who pass the two partial, are allowed to take the final exam in order to improve their marks. In doing so, of course, they will lose the previous marks, obtained in partials, and will get the final exam mark, whatever it is.
The online registration for the examination in an official date (preferably the first summer session) is mandatory. Those who have difficulties in registration must contact the teacher as soon as possible.

Reference texts

1st semester:

Textbook: Sueña, vol. I (Libro del alumno), Salamanca, Anaya.

2nd semester:

Textbook: Two "dispensa" sent by email the first week of March. In case of not receiving the file, please contact the teacher

Mandatory reading (ONE book):
P. Almodóvar, Fuego en las entrañas. Madrid, Libros del silencio, 2013.
E. Mendoza, Sin Noticias De Gurb. Barcelona, Seix Barral, 2001.
D. Trueba, Cuatro amigos. Barcelona, Anagrama, 2012.