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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Annualità Singola

Training objectives

Acquisition of the four language skills (comprehension and written and oral production) on an advanced level.
The main objective of the course is the improvement of linguistic knowledge and communication skills aiming at the future professional life of the student.
Final objective: Level B2/C1 of the European Framework. (Preparation for the B2+/C1 certificate of the Goethe Institute)


Level B1/B2 of the European Framework of reference for languages
German II

Course programme

Lectures (professor) 1st term:
Applied linguistics: the sentence (dependency grammar and valency theory), the use of language (semantic bases, pragmatics, text linguistics)
Language study ("lettorato", taught by a mother-tongue language trainer) 1st and 2nd term:
Literature of various periods (short stories, extracts from longer works, poetry) with relative linguistic analysis and interpretation; newspaper articles with reference to contemporary German culture; semantic research and lexical development; exercises in written composition and oral discussion; further study of main grammar structures, introduction to the most complex areas of German grammar.

Didactic methods

Interactive and frontal lessons, student presentations, practical exercises individually and in groups.

Learning assessment procedures

The final esam of the year consists in 3 tests: 1. written language test; 2. oral language test; 3. oral test on linguistics

Reference texts

A. Lezioni di linguistica applicata

Linguistica testuale:
• Adamzik Kirsten (2004), Textlinguistik. Eine einführende Darstellung, Tübingen: Narr.
Birk Andrea/Buffagni Claudia (2008), Imparare il tedesco sui giornali, Pisa: Pacini
• Andorno Cecilia (2205), Linguistica testuale, Roma: Carocci.
• Blühdorn Hardarik/Foschi Albert Marina (2006), Lettura e comprebsione del testo in lingua tedesca, Pisa: Pusa University Press.
• Brinker Klaus (2001), Linguistische Textanalyse. Eine Einführung in Grundbegriffe und Methoden, Berlin: Gross Edition Julius.
• Busch Albert/Stenschke Oliver (2007), Germanistische Linguistik, Tübingen: Narr.

Comunicazione interculturale:
¿ Bennett Milton 1993: Towards Ethorelativism: A Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity. In: Paige Michael (Hrsg.), Education for the Intercultural Experience, Yarmouth, 89-134.
¿ Castiglioni Ida 2005: La comunicazione interculturale: competenza e pratiche. Roma.
¿ Heringer Hans Jürgen 2004: Interkulturelle Kommunikation. Tübingen etc.
¿ Lüsebrink Hans-Jürgen 2005: Interkulturelle Kommunikation. Stuttgart etc.
¿ Hofstede Geert 20063: Lokales Denken, globales Handeln. Interkulturelle Zusammenarbeit und globales Management. München.
¿ Neudecker, Eva/ Siegl, Andrea/ Thomas, Alexander 2006, Beruflich in Italien. Göttingen.
¿ Schroll-Machl Sylvia 2002, Die Deutschen – Wir Deutsche. Fremdwahrnehmung und Selbstsicht im Berufsleben. Göttingen.
¿ Thomas, Alexander/ Eva-Ulrike, Kinast/ Schroll-Machl, Sylvia (Hrsgg.), Handbuch Interkulturelle Kommunikation und Koopertation. Bd. 1: Grundlagen und Praxisfelder/Bd. 2: Länder, Kulturen und interkulturelle Berufstätigkeit, Göttingen.

B. Esercitazioni pratiche
• Üben wir Deutsch! 3 - Gundula Gabriel - Edizioni Volta la Carta
ultima edizione! (disponibile solo presso: Volta la Carta - Legatoria, produzioni artigianali
Via Voltapaletto, 25 - Ferrara Tel.: 0532 208932 ordinabile anche via mail: )
• Buscha Anne/Raven Susanne/Szilvia Szita, Erkundungen Deutsch als Fremdsprache C1. Integriertes Lurs- und Arbeitsbuch, Leipzig: Schubert-Verlag 2016.